
  • 网络Zoucheng;zoucheng city
  1. 结论邹城市应高度重视性病防治的防制工作,加强防治措施,特别是应加强对青壮年男性和重点人群的性病防治工作。

    Conclusion The work of control and prevention of STD in Zoucheng City be strengthened and measures fro control of STD infection among young and middle-aged males be taken .

  2. 目的了解邹城市公共浴室卫生状况。

    Objective Understands the Zoucheng public bathhouse hygiene condition .

  3. 基于SPOT5图像的小城市城区绿地系统景观异质性分析&以邹城市为例

    Analysis on Green System Landscape Heterogeneity of Small City Based on SPOT Image

  4. 邹城市旅行社,年营业额在济宁地区连续排名前三位,为邹城市第一品牌。

    Zoucheng Travel Service , the turnover of Jining in the top three in a row for the number one brand in Zoucheng City .

  5. 邹城市计划免疫“四苗”及乙肝疫苗接种率均保持在较高水平,规范化接种门诊建设效果显著,已进入新的发展阶段。

    Epi and hepatitis B vaccine coverage rate of Zoucheng city degree to keep in the higher level and have already entered the new development stage .

  6. 邹城市旅行社成立于1988年,是山东成立最早的旅行社之一,是邹城市唯一直属旅游局的市旅行社。

    Zoucheng Travel Service established in1988 , is the oldest travel agencies in Shandong is one of only in Zoucheng City Tourism Bureau under the city 's travel agencies .

  7. 孟子(约公元前372年~公元前289年),名柯,字子舆,邹(今山东省邹城市)人,战国中期的思想家。

    Mencius ( 372 B. C. ~ 289 B. C. ) , a great thinker of the mid-Warring States Period , was born at Zou ( present Zoucheng , Shandong Province ) . His given name was Ke and courtesy name Ziyu .