
  1. 又过了一天,邹忌见到了徐公。

    Another day passed and Zou Ji met Xu Gong in person .

  2. 邹忌心里很不平静。

    Zou Ji was rather restless in his mind .

  3. 古代齐国有个人名叫邹忌,身高八尺,相貌堂堂,曾经做过齐国的相国。

    In ancient times a man named Zou Ji , 8 chi tall and impressive looking , had served as the prime minister of the State of Qi .

  4. 第二天,有个客人来找他,跟他商谈一件事情,邹忌又问客人说:“我与徐公谁长得美呢?”

    The next day , a guest came to discuss some matter with him . Zou Ji asked his guest the same question : " Who is more handsome , Xu Gong or I ? "

  5. 邹忌又问这个问题。

    Zou Ji asks the same question .

  6. 邹忌又问客人说:“我与徐公谁长得美呢?”

    Zou Ji asked his guest the same question : " Who is more handsome , Xu Gong or I ? "