
  • 网络health expenditure;national health expenditure
  1. 目的探讨我国及OECD(经济合作组织)国家卫生费用增长与经济发展间的规律。

    Objective To discuss the law between health expenditure and economic development in China and OECD countries .

  2. 人口老龄化对卫生费用增长的影响

    The Effect of Population Aging on the Growth of Health Expenditure

  3. 一个国家医疗保障水平表明其卫生费用投入总量与GDP之间的关系。实证分析与通过比较表明,我国卫生费用投入结构发生了很大变化,显示政府投入比例下降,个人投入比例上升;

    The analyzes of real data shows that China 's health expense structural changed with the proportion of government investment dropping and individual expenses proportion rising .

  4. 结果与绝大多数OECD国家一样,我国人均卫生费用的增长快于同期人均GDP的增长,并且各国人均卫生费用与人均GDP之间存在显著的正相关关系。

    Results Analogous to most OECD countries , the annual increase in per capita spending on health care has generally outpaced economic growth per capita in China , and there was a significant and positive relationship between per capita health spending and GDP .

  5. 中国医疗卫生费用增长的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Growth of National Medical and Health Expenditures

  6. 新疆城市和农村居民卫生费用的分析

    Analyses of Expense of Health in Urban and Rural Areas of Xinjiang

  7. 药品政策改革与卫生费用控制

    The drug policy reform and the control of health cost

  8. 论临床医生在控制卫生费用方面的作用

    The Role of Clinicians in the Control of Medical Expenditure

  9. 卫生费用上涨原因及其控制的政策建议

    Causes of the Soaring Health Expenditure and Suggestions for Controlling

  10. 陕西省城乡居民卫生费用分析

    The analysis of medical expenditure of countryside and citizens of Shanxi Province

  11. 改革开放以来,个人卫生费用大幅增加,出现看病难、看病贵现象。

    Since the reform and opening up , personal health costs greatly increases .

  12. 我国全社会卫生费用的宏观分析

    Macro Analysis of Health Service Expenditure of the Whole Society of Our Country

  13. 而医疗卫生费用的快速上涨既会损害公平,也会损害效率。

    The escalating health care expenditures will damage equity as well as efficiency .

  14. 论卫生费用控制策略

    Talk about the Tactics of Health Expenditure Control

  15. 未来可能影响老年人口卫生费用的因素

    Studying Possible Factors Influencing the Health Expenditure for the Older Population in the Future

  16. 劳动安全卫生费用模型

    Cost Models for Occupational Safety and Health

  17. 安徽省妇幼卫生费用研究报告

    A Research Report on Maternal and . Child Health Care Expendiure by Function in Anhui Province

  18. 因此,卫生费用核算工作有必要进一步加强。

    So , it is essential to strengthen further the Program of Health Account in China .

  19. 随着全球性医疗卫生费用投入的不断增加,人们希望获得与之相应的医疗服务和卫生安全。

    With the increasing global health expenditure , people want to get proper medical services and health .

  20. 最直接的影响可能来自卫生费用增加和资源减少两方面。

    The most immediate effects are likely to be through the scissors of rising health costs and diminished resources .

  21. 官员同时强调关于减缓医疗卫生费用的增长的好消息是这一措施仅针对处方药物。

    Officials emphasized that the good news about slowing the increasing costs of health care extended only to prescription drugs .

  22. 老龄化对医疗卫生费用的影响一直是人们争论不休的焦点。

    The impact of aging on health care expenditure ( HCE ) has been at the center of a prolonged debate .

  23. 改革开放以来,我国经济状况不断向好,卫生费用增长很快,然而卫生绩效①却不容乐观。

    The economical condition was well and health expenditure increased rapidly in China . However , health performance was not optimistic .

  24. 2005年我国糖尿病人的直接卫生费用为655.68亿元,占当年卫生总费用的7.57%。

    The direct health expenditure for diabetic patients was 65.568 billion Yuan in 2005 , which accounted for 7.57 % national health expenditure .

  25. 目标:分析上海市卫生费用的筹资来源,并进行国内外比较。

    Objectives : To analyze the financing source of Shanghai total expenditure on health ( STEH ), and compare STEH domestically and internationally .

  26. 在卫生费用不断增长的今天,我国商业保险公司面对需求旺盛的医疗保险市场却出现了停滞不前的情况。

    With ever-increasing health expenditure in China , health insurance market is in great demand . However , commercial health insurance in China stands still .

  27. 令官员们担忧的是如果家庭支出中需要增加医疗卫生费用,那么就无法满足其他重要支出,同样影响了国际贸易的竞争。

    Officials worry that devoting more resources to health care makes it harder for families to meet other priorities and for businesses to compete internationally .

  28. 妇幼卫生费用是指妇女儿童为获得妇幼卫生服务所消费的各种费用的总和。

    Maternal and Child Health Expenditure ( MCHE ) are the expenditure consumed by women and children who have received various maternal and child health services .

  29. 抗生素耐药性会导致严重的问题,例如医疗卫生费用的增长,感染性疾病的发生率和死亡率攀升等等。

    Antibiotic resistance can cause serious problems , such as health care cost increases , the incidence of infectious disease and mortality rise , and so on .

  30. 国际间比较发现,经济发达地区和国家的卫生费用占国内生产总值的比重高于经济欠发达的地区与国家;

    Many international researches revealed that the proportion of the total health expenditure in Gross Domestic Product in developed countries was higher than that in developing countries .