
  • 网络Original Value of Fixed Assets;fixed assets-cost;p-c
  1. 固定资产净值:是指固定资产原价减去历年已提折旧额后的净额。

    Net Value of Fixed Assets : is obtained by deducting depreciation over years from the original value of fixed assets .

  2. 应计折旧额,是指应当计提折旧的固定资产的原价扣除其预计净残值后的金额。返回某项固定资产按年限总和折旧法计算的每期折旧金额

    The term " depreciable amount " refers to the amount of deducting its expected net salvage value from the original price of the fixed asset to be depreciated . Returns the sum-of-years ' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period