
  • 网络Stock certificate
  1. 提单发展到今天,与票据、仓单、公司股票等权利凭证一样,将特定的民事权利记载并化体在证券纸面上。

    Bill of Lading has been developed to be a kind of securities today , which records and represents the specific civil rights , just like other documents of title such as commercial paper , warehouse , and equity capital and so on .

  2. 认股权证是一种能够按特定价格买入某一上市公司发行股票的选择权凭证。

    Stock purchase warrant is a kind of document of optional right that enables the stockholder to bid for the issue shares of a certain listed company at a given price .

  3. 中英联合声明表示:“中方同意按照相关审慎监管原则,允许符合条件的境外公司(包括英国公司)通过发行股票或存托凭证形式在中国证券交易所上市。”

    A joint statement said : " China agrees to allow qualified foreign companies , including UK companies , to list on its stock exchange through issuing shares or depository receipts in accordance with relevant prudential regulations . "