
ɡǔ piào fēn ɡē
  • share splits;stock splits;split-ups
  1. 您能提供我们过去两年股息支付和股票分割的资料吗?

    Could you give us information on dividends paid and stock splits that have occurred in the last two years ?

  2. 他援引与其股票分割传闻为同一个消息来源的“Gnome”的说法称:

    On Sunday , citing the same " Gnome " that was the source for his stock split story , he tweeted :

  3. 股票分割怎么样

    Hey , how about that stock split , huh ?

  4. 究其缘由,是与股票分割制度分不开的。

    These symptoms are combined with the system of partition of shares .

  5. 公司有一种惯常做法叫做“股票分割”

    Companies routinely do what are called " splits . "

  6. 股票分割的经济学解释

    The Economic Explanation of Stock Split

  7. 十送十的股票分割与100%的股票股利区别很小

    There is very little difference between a 2-for-1 stock split and a 100 % stock dividend

  8. 临时股份或股票分割

    Temporary share or stock fraction

  9. 克朗斯计划通过增加公司资金来实现股票分割所必需的基本资金扩充。

    The necessary increase of share capital is to coincide along with a capital increase from the company 's own resources .

  10. 如果公司通过股票分割来增加总股数,这不是摊薄,因为没有发生实质性变化。

    If the company increases the number of shares through a split that is not dilution because it doesn 't really mean anything .

  11. 十送十的股票分割将使每股的票面值减少一半,但是它将不改变任何账户的余额。

    A 2-for-1 stock split will reduce the par value per share by one-half , but it will not change the dollar balance of any account .

  12. 现在,该公司提出了对该季度业绩三对一的股票分割,这将使每个脸书的股东在其已经持有的单独份额上获得两个额外的无投票权股份。

    Now , the company has proposed a three-to-one stock split in its quarterly results , which would give each Facebook shareholder two additional , non-voting shares for each single share they already hold .

  13. 中国股票市场分割与价格行为

    The Market Segmentation and Stock Prices in China 's Stock Market

  14. 股票市场分割及其消除:理论综述与方案探讨

    Segmentation and Elimination of Stock Market : Theory Syllabus and Plan Exploration

  15. 金融危机背景下股票市场分割与一体化研究

    Research on the Segmentation and Integration Process of Stock Markets in Financial Crisis

  16. 我国股票市场分割条件下的特质风险溢酬比较分析

    Empirical Study on the Premium of Idiosyncratic Risk in the Segmented Chinese Stock Market

  17. 全流通下中国股票市场分割的信息传递及价差动因

    The Information Transmission and Price Differentials Determinants in China 's Segmented Markets after the Full Circulation

  18. 从股票的分割受益;

    Benefited from the stock split ;

  19. 中国A股市场和香港股票市场分割与一体化实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Market Segmentation and Market Integration of Chinese A-share Market and Hong Kong Stock Market

  20. 中国股票市场分割之内外资股价格差异研究

    The Research on the Price Difference Between Domestic Shares and Foreign Shares of Stock Market Segmentation of China

  21. 本文通过对相关领域的理论综述,探求股票市场分割研究的新进展及其在中国的适用性。

    This article tries to catch the new trends in the study of stock market segmentation and their fitness in China .

  22. 第三部分就B股市场和国有股流通问题对我国股票市场分割问题进行了阐述。

    The third part concerns the elaboration of market segmentation of our stock market , which included the question of B stock market and the circulation of state owned stock .

  23. 股票市场分割制约了证券市场合理配置资本的功能,扭曲了股票市场价格,降低了社会及投资者的资本利用效率,造成了股票市场诸多不合理现象。

    Segmentation between stock markets restricts reasonable capital allocation function of security market , distorts stock price in markets , reduces the capital utilization efficiency of the society and investors , and results in many unreasonable phenomenons in stock markets .

  24. 经营者股票期权的价值分割及其会计问题研究

    Value Division of Executive Stock Options and its Accounting Problems

  25. 我国上市公司在股权结构上存在的缺陷和股票市场的人为分割,决定了我国的上市公司收购必然具有自己的特点。

    The defects lying in the share rights structure and the artificially - divided stock market cause the purchase character of the company to go to stock market to have a Chinese style ;

  26. 股票股利和股票分割的差别在于:股票股利将留存收益的金额转移到缴入资本之中,每股面值不变,而股票分割并不影响帐户余额。

    Stock dividend and stock split differ in that stock dividend shifts an amount from retained earnings to paid-in capital , leaving the par value per share unchanged while a stock split affects no account balances whatsoever .

  27. 像大比例股票股利一样,股票分割的目的是大量降低普通股的市价,以使投资者购买更多的股票。

    As with a large stock dividend , the purpose of a stock split is to reduce substantially the market price of the common stock , with the intent of making the stock more affordable to investors .

  28. 一个1%的股票股利与十送十的股票分割十分相似。

    A 1 % stock dividend is very similar to the 2-for-1 stock split .

  29. 本文拟以A、H双重上市股票为例,深入分析价差产生的原因,揭示中国股票市场分割产生的根源。

    This paper is organized to analyse the causes of the price difference , discover the origination of the saparation in china 's stock market with the dual-listed corporation on A , H stock markets as the example .

  30. 随着中国加入WTO后股票市场国际化进程的加快,各种金融创新、政策创新和制度创新不断推出,中国股票市场分割的原有格局、结构、表现等也处于不断演进的过程中。

    The Chinese stock market internationalization has experienced a rapidly development after China has joined the WTO and all kinds of financial innovations and policies has been established .