
  • 网络major market index;MMI;Major Market Index-MMI;Major Market Index, MMI
  1. 国际主要股票市场指数以及GDP的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Main International Stock Markets ' Indices and GDP

  2. 一些主要的市场指数从四月到现在已经下跌了20%以上。

    Some broad market indices have now fallen more than 20 percent since April .

  3. 亚洲、欧洲和美国的主要股票市场指数都应声强劲上扬。

    In response , key stock market indexes in Asia , Europe and the United States made strong gains .

  4. 标普和Case-Shiller二十个主要市场的住房指数表明一月份房价下跌了约为2.5%。

    The S & P / Case-Shiller index of twenty major markets showed that home prices fell almost two and a half percent in January .