
  • 网络Vertical Integration;Vertically Integrated;IDM
  1. 尽管这其中可能存在垂直整合的逻辑,与矽品换股的交易或许不是个好例子:此次换股的时机表明,其目的更多在于阻止矽品的竞争对手——台湾上市公司日月光半导体(ASE)对矽品发起的收购。

    Despite the possible logic of vertical integration , the SPIL deal may not be a good illustration : the timing of the share swap suggests it was designed more to thwart a proposed acquisition of SPIL by Taiwan-listed competitor Advanced Semiconductor .

  2. 研究台湾信息电子产业垂直整合后之研发绩效

    Study of Research and Development Performance after Vertical Integration in Information Technology Industry

  3. 同时,在其他大公司进一步进行业务垂直整合之际,HomeServices让亚马逊有了抗击打能力。

    With Amazon Home Services , it 's making a defensive play as other large companies try to become more vertically integrated .

  4. Google的收购还阐明了PC市场与移动设备市场的第二个不同之处:后者更倾向于垂直整合。

    Google 's acquisition also illustrates the second difference between the markets for PCs and mobile devices : the latter will be more vertically integrated .

  5. 它让其他人,不论是政府的自来水厂还是垂直整合的炼糖厂,都投入生产和分销系统,共同完成RealThing(真家伙)(来自可口可乐的广告语)的生产。

    It involved getting others , whether it was government-owned water works or vertically integrated sugar refineries , to invest in the production and distribution systems needed to turn the Real Thing into a real thing .

  6. 中粮集团首席执行官宁高宁(FrankNing)表示,该合资公司将是一家垂直整合的农产品企业,而非一家简单的谷物贸易商。

    Frank Ning , Cofco chief executive , said the venture would be a vertically integrated agribusiness rather than a simple grain trader .

  7. 在阿里巴巴正在为大规模的首次公开募股(IPO)做准备之际,一幅雄心勃勃的整合策略蓝图逐渐形成:阿里巴巴打算对视频产业进行垂直整合,涉足内容创作、宽带平台建设以及线上流媒体等领域。

    As Alibaba gears up for a massive initial public offering , a picture is emerging of an ambitious , vertically integrated video strategy encompassing content creation , broadband distribution and online streaming .

  8. 但不太受欢迎的一面是,该公司将从首次公开发行(ipo)中获得资金实力,从而能够通过收购进行垂直整合,成为其所在交易市场的更大的生产商。

    Less welcome , however , is the financial heft that will result from its initial public offering , which will allow the company to vertically integrate through acquisitions , becoming a bigger producer in markets in which it trades .

  9. 最后,垂直整合的宝姿公司还建立了通常为topshop和zara等快装品牌所采用的实时生产体系。

    Finally , the vertically-integrated company has also put in place a just-in-time production system normally used by high street fast fashion outlets like Topshop and Zara .

  10. 双汇上周说,它尤其被Smithfield的垂直整合模式所吸引。Smithfield说,这种模式可以帮助保证食品安全。食品安全在中国是一个大问题。

    Shuanghui said last week that it was ' especially attracted to ' Smithfield 's vertically integrated model , which Smithfield has argued helps ensure food safety , a huge problem in China .

  11. 苹果还能以更彻底的方式进行垂直整合。

    Apple also could vertically integrate in more radical ways .

  12. 实行垂直整合的几点考虑数学直感的参考点方法初探

    The Initial Study on Reference Point Method of the Straight Sense of Mathematics

  13. 解决方法就是在当地种植棉花,对业务进行垂直整合。

    The answer was to grow cotton locally and vertically integrate the operation .

  14. 实际上,斯特拉塔和嘉能可进行合并,将缔造出第一家庞大的垂直整合型大宗商品交易企业。

    Instead , combining Xstrata and Glencore creates the first mega vertically integrated commodities business .

  15. 他们的垂直整合模式无可非议,是强劲的竞争对手。

    Their vertically integrated model is hard to quarrel with and they 're a strong competitor .

  16. 长期战略基础已经形成,即垂直整合商业模式。

    The foundation for that long-term has already been created , with a vertically-integrated business model .

  17. 从芯片到驱动器,电子硬件的垂直整合成为了一个关键的优势。

    Vertical integration of electronics hardware , from chips to monitors , was becoming a critical advantage .

  18. 刘永好正在将他的创业精力投入到建设一家单一的、垂直整合的全国饲料业务中。

    Mr Liu is now putting his entrepreneurial energy into building a single , vertically integrated national feed business .

  19. 创建马斯克所称的首家垂直整合的可持续能源综合企业的尝试,招致了广泛批评。

    The attempt to create what Mr Musk described as the first vertically-integrated sustainable energy conglomerate has drawn widespread scepticism .

  20. 市场整合的交易模式、合作和垂直整合的交易模式对农户交易绩效存在正相关影响。

    Transaction modes of the market integration , cooperative and vertical integration existed positive correlation impact on performance of farmers transactions .

  21. 大约在同一时间,该公司开始在香港制造自己的产品,从而完成了垂直整合。

    At about the same time , the company started making its own products in Hong Kong , completing its vertical integration .

  22. 唯将展示其技术实力的基础上成功的垂直整合,从核心芯片和电池等,通过移动计算技术。

    VK will display its technological prowess based on successful vertical integration , ranging from core chips and batteries through mobile computing technology .

  23. 然而,随着酒店业发展的逐步推进,航空公司发展其酒店业务的形式也发生着变化,逐步从紧密型向松散型、垂直整合向横向联合过渡。

    Nevertheless , with the development of hotel industry , airline companies business form had a adjustment to meet the need of their hotel business .

  24. 拉斯韦勒说,三星即使在进行产品垂直整合的时候,似乎也没放弃高通。

    Even with all the vertical integration it is doing , it isn 't like Samsung has given up on Qualcomm , ' Mr. Rassweiler said .

  25. 但是说到底,垂直整合并不会像第一条和第二条方案那样真正改变苹果的业务。

    But at the end of the day vertically integrating wouldn 't really transform Apple 's business in the way \# 1 or \# 2 would .

  26. 接近大唐电信的人士透露,一些高管希望这家国有集团能够完全吸收中芯国际,建立一个垂直整合的电信科技企业。

    According to people close to Datang , some officials hoped the state group could fully consolidate SMIC to create a vertically - integrated telecoms technology company .

  27. 邻里中心采用水平整合连锁业态的模式,使各邻里商业可按统一品牌、统一管理形成连锁商圈;同时能贴近消费群体,能垂直整合商业机会。

    The Neighborhood Centre project adopted the horizontal-integrating chain business model , so that the neighborhood can form a business district that has unified business brand and management .

  28. 但近年来,许多专业公司都失去了市场价值,或是增长陷于停滞,行业也正在重返垂直整合的模式。

    But in recent years many of those specialty companies have lost market value or stalled , and the industry is going back to a vertically integrated model .

  29. 除了为投资国供电,大坝项目还会为投资者的工业项目,比如采矿或冶金项目,提供了一种垂直整合的模式。

    Aside from supplying electricity to investing countries , projects can also offer a type of vertical integration to power funders ' industrial projects , such as mining or smelting .

  30. 过去10年里,富士康通过扩张进入新的产品领域,深化其制造业务的垂直整合,保持了较高的增速和利润率。

    Over the past 10 years , the group has kept growth and profit margins up by expanding into new product segments and deepening the vertical integration of its manufacturing operations .