
  • 网络vertical search engine;lucene
  1. 基于Internet的农业信息垂直搜索引擎的设计

    The agriculture information vertical search engine design based on Internet

  2. 对互联网中海量、异构、动态、离散的WEB信息进行整合,是实现垂直搜索引擎,提供高效主题信息服务的基础。

    The integration of massive , heterogeneous , dynamic and discrete information on the Internet is the basis of vertical search engine and other information service .

  3. deepweb垂直搜索引擎设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Deep Web Vertical Search Engine

  4. deepweb垂直搜索引擎研究

    Research on Deep Web Vertical Search Engine

  5. 基于Java的垂直搜索引擎的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of the Vertical Search Engine on the Basis of Java

  6. 在对搜索引擎方法的研究分析和算法实现的基础上,提出了几点改进方法,并据此初步构建出了一个基于WEB的学科资源垂直搜索引擎的体系结构。

    Based on analysis and algorithms of the method of search engine , this paper initially builds the architecture of vertical search engine based on subject resources of web .

  7. 基于Lucene垂直搜索引擎的研究与实现

    The Research and Design on Vertical Search Engine Based on Lucene

  8. 随着Internet信息的爆炸性增长以及信息多元化的发展,通用搜索引擎已经无法提供令专业人员满足的行业知识搜索,而提供专业信息搜索服务的垂直搜索引擎正逐渐成为当前搜索引擎研究的热点。

    With the explosive growth and diversification of Internet information , general search engines have been unable to provide professional services . Vertical search engines are gradually as hot as current general search engines .

  9. 基于Lucene的垂直搜索引擎关键技术的研究应用

    Research and Application of Vertical Search Engine Key Technologies Based on the Lucene

  10. 并重点分析了垂直搜索引擎与通用搜索引擎的区别及其优势。(2)deepweb站点的发现。

    And focus on an analysis of the distinction between vertical search engine and general search engine and the advantage of the vertical search engine . ( 2 ) Discovery of Deep Web site .

  11. 基于Nutch的分布式纺织垂直搜索引擎研究

    Application of Technique of Vertical Search Engine of Weave Based on Nutch

  12. 最后,在开源手机平台Android上,利用MyEcilipse插件功能进行开发,模拟实现了一个移动垂直搜索引擎。

    Furthermore , the sever-side search service was implemented . Finally , on the open source mobile platform Android , using MyEclipse plug-function , a simulated Mobile Vertical Search system was developed .

  13. 本文通过垂直搜索引擎的关键算法研究,论述垂直搜索引擎设计与实现时的一些独特的信息识别方法,包括Pagerank和HITS算法。

    This paper through the key arithmetic method of uprightness search engine , the research main point is information extra method , include PageRank and HITS arithmetic .

  14. 最后研究了分布式搜索引擎的各种系统结构及运行机制,提出了基于分布式元搜索引擎系统的分布式垂直搜索引擎的系统框架,并提出了基于CORBA模式的分布式实现方法。

    At last the structure and operational scheme of the various distributed search engines are studied and the system framework of the distributed vertical search engine is proposed based on the design of distributed CORBA model .

  15. 最后采用Nutch框架,实现了一个面向五金的垂直搜索引擎原型系统。

    Finally , the thesis realizes a hardware-oriented vertical search engine prototype system based on the framework of Nutch .

  16. 本文提出了一个新型的基于文档对象模型DOM树和爬虫代理的深层Web数据获取以及整合的模型,为垂直搜索引擎提供了结构化整合的数据基础。

    In this thesis , a novel model is described to integrate the deep Web data based on DOM ( Document Object Model ) tree and Crawler broker , with which we can build the structured data basis of vertical search engine . 3 .

  17. 这些可以用,例如,建造垂直搜索引擎,可以运行在Alexa的自己的服务器或其他地方。

    These could be used , for instance , to construct vertical search engines that could run on Alexa 's own servers or elsewhere .

  18. 该算法已用于校园信息垂直搜索引擎COSE中,用于学校老师潜在社交关系的挖掘与展示。

    This algorithm has been used in the Campus Object Search Engine ( COSE ), for the mining of the potential social relations of the teachers . 3 .

  19. 为了提高垂直搜索引擎的搜索精度,文中对面向主题的过滤算法进行了研究,包括基于URL的过滤和基于内容的过滤;并对PageRank算法和内容过滤进行了改进,提高了搜索精度。

    In order to improve the search precision of the vertical search engine , we studied the subject oriented filtering algorithm , including the url-based filtering and content-based filtering . And the same time , we improved the PageRank algorithm and content filtering .

  20. 然后阐述了该搜索引擎的整个实现过程,以开源nutch框架为基础,依据前面提出的策略设计实现了一个完整的垂直搜索引擎,并介绍各实现部分的相应技术。

    And then described the implementation of the search engine , using the previous strategy to achieve a comprehensive vertical search engine based on Nutch , and introduce the technology of various achievement parts .

  21. 在分词和索引部分,详细地探讨中文分词和Lucene的索引机制,最后概述了检索的原理。紧接着,本文开始着手基于Lucene的音乐资讯垂直搜索引擎的分析和设计。

    In the section of word segmentation and index , a mechanism of Chinese segmentation and Lucene indexing in detail is given , an overview of search besides . Then , Thesis starts to focus on a design of the lucene-based music news vertical search engine .

  22. 面对这个问题,垂直搜索引擎应运而生。

    With this kind of problem , vertical search engines emerged .

  23. 网络化制造资源垂直搜索引擎的研究与应用

    Research and application of vertical search engine in networked manufacturing resource

  24. 面向垂直搜索引擎的网页抓取器的设计和实现

    Vertical Search Engine for Crawling the Web Page Design and Implementation

  25. 垂直搜索引擎个性化推荐研究与应用

    Research and Application of Personalized Recommendation in Vertical Search Engine

  26. 主题爬虫是垂直搜索引擎中的重要组成部分。

    Topical crawler is an important part of a vertical search engine .

  27. 面向博客领域的垂直搜索引擎的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Vertical Search Engine of Blog Oriented

  28. 面向学科的基础教育资源垂直搜索引擎的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Subject-oriented Vertical Search Engine on Basic Educational Resources

  29. 垂直搜索引擎的抓取系统&基于网络蜘蛛技术

    The Crawling System of Vertical Search Engine : Based on network spider technology

  30. 面向垂直搜索引擎的基于知识的语义关联算法

    Vertical Search Engine-aimed Semantic Correlation Algorithm Based on Knowledge