
  • 网络vertical website;Vertical Site
  1. 基于用户偏好的垂直网站自适应结构研究

    A Framework of Adaptive Vertical Website Based on User Preferences

  2. 一条是专卖店模式,走专业化路线,做垂直网站。

    The other is " monopolistic store " model , which requires building a professional vertical website .

  3. 这段话出自本杰明o克莱默。这位前瑞银集团(UBS)咨询师是广受推崇的钟表业垂直网站Hodinkee的创始人兼主编。

    Swrites Benjamin Clymer , the former UBS consultant whfounded and edits the respected horological website Hodinkee .

  4. 基于垂直网站的网络信息支持系统研究

    Framework of Web Information Service System Based on Vertical Portal

  5. 垂直网站的正确混搭能帮助网站更加快速的增长和赚钱。

    The right mix of verticals can lead to faster growth and definitive monetization .

  6. 垂直网站及其信息服务模式

    Vertical Portals and Their Information Service Modes

  7. 导致这种状况的原因之一是各个汽车垂直网站存在着各种各样的可用性问题。

    One reason leading to this situation is the existence of various usability problems of automobile vertical websites .

  8. 我们认为这会导致市场上,尤其是汽车垂直网站的两极分化趋势加剧。

    We think that this will lead to the market , especially the automobile vertical polarization trend exacerbated the site .

  9. 最后对企业、求职者、人才招聘专业垂直网站三者提出各自的应对策略。

    Finally , it gives respectively answers to the enterprise , job seekers and the professional vertical website for qualified candidates wanted .

  10. 以提供优质资讯为目标,计划建设为专业、高速、可靠的垂直网站。

    Aiming at providing superior quality information , the site will be constructed into a professional , convenient and trustworthy site for the netizen .

  11. 以材料科学网站为例,介绍门户网站的概念和分类,分析了垂直网站发展的必然性。

    Taking the material science for examples , introduce the concept and the types of portal , then analyse the inevitability of vertical portal development .

  12. 但是,目前国内汽车垂直网站的现状是一方面拥有着大量的用户,另一方面,用户对其满意度评价不高。

    However , on the one hand , the current status of the domestic automobile vertical websites has a large number of users ; on the other hand , the user evaluation of their satisfaction is not high .

  13. 本文力图从网站用户出发,在汽车垂直网站用户调查研究的基础上,初步建立国内汽车垂直网站可用性评价指标体系,再结合专家调查对该指标体系进行修正及赋予权重。

    From the perspective of website users , the paper establishes a domestic automobile vertical websites usability evaluation index system based on the user investigation , and then the index system is modified and given weight according to expert investigation .

  14. 提出了基于垂直搜索网站超链接语义的潜属性信息发现技术。

    Proposed a method to discover the latent attribute information based onthe semantics of hyper links in exploratory sites .

  15. 最后在这一系列研究的基础上提出了对未来垂直门户网站的趋势分析和瞻望。

    The last in the series was put forward on the basis of vertical portal for future trend analysis and forecast .

  16. 垂直社交网站最重要的是内容为王,在内容上塌塌实实,才能有较高的商业价值。

    The most important thing of vertical SNS is content . Content is king . Best content can have a high commercial value .

  17. 第一章介绍了社交网络的概念和发展现状,同时对国内和国外SNS网站的发展做了分析和对比,进而分析了垂直类社交网站的发展。

    The first chapter introduces the concept and development of SNS , and makes an analysis and comparison for the development of SNS between China and foreign countries . Then analyze the development of vertical social networking sites .

  18. 然而,垂直电子商务网站上个性化推荐却面临着数据稀疏的困扰。

    However , recommender systems on vertical e-commerce sites facing the problem of data sparsity .

  19. 从目前情况和长远趋势来看,在B2B电子商务的4种模式中,其中企业B2B网站、B2B交易场、垂直型的B2B网站在中国将有很好的发展趋势。

    The B2B enterprise and B2B exchanges and the vertical B2B will have good prospects in China .

  20. 辽宁装备制造业垂直型电子商务网站的构建及评价研究

    Study on Construction and Appraisal of Vertical Electronic Commerce Website in Liaoning Equipment Manufacturing Industry

  21. 分析了垂直搜索引擎与垂直网站、垂直搜索引擎与综合搜索引擎、垂直搜索引擎与网络学科资源导航之间的区别与联系,并对国内的两种垂直搜索引擎做了介绍。

    This paper makes an analysis of the difference and relationship between vertical search engine and vertical web sites , vertical search engine and meta search engine , vertical search engine and internet resources navigation , finally , two vertical search engines are introduced .

  22. 垂直门户式的暖通空调专业网站的建设垂直网站及其信息服务模式

    Establishing Vertical Dominant Web Site of HVAC Vertical Portals and Their Information Service Modes