
  • 网络breakdown ratio
  1. 为此,采用崩溃率为20%、附有条件的抗差最小二乘法估计马斯京根汇流参数最优值。

    Therefore , the robust least square method with some additional conditions at the breakdown ratio being 20 % was employed for optimal estimation of Muskingum parameters .

  2. 测深异常的高崩溃污染率抗差趋势面检测

    Bathymetry Outlier Detection Using Robust Trend Surface with High-breakdown Point

  3. 太平洋大学的经济学家杰夫·迈克(JeffMichael)说,住房市场的崩溃导致失业率激增;而这个地区仍没有复苏。

    The crash of the housing market caused the spike in unemployment , and the area has not recovered , says economist Jeff Michael of the University of the Pacific .

  4. 简介:官方的执行摘要的“行人和自行车运动员崩溃的发生率混合动力电动客车”的研究。

    SYNOPSIS : Official executive summary of " Incidence of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crashes by Hybrid Electric Passenger Vehicles " study .

  5. 但是如今,债务负担正被释放出来,资产价格在崩溃,储蓄率在上升,因为消费者不愿也无力再借贷。

    But now this debt burden is being unwound , asset prices are collapsing and savings rates are rising because consumers are unwilling , or unable , to borrow .

  6. 由于津巴布韦的经济处于崩溃之中,通货膨胀率飞速上涨到百分之十万以上,因此在举行这些关键性的选举前夕,保安人员警告说,他们处于高度警戒状态,将对选举结果的一切抗议示威活动进行镇压。

    On the eve of these crucial elections , with Zimbabwe 's economy in collapse and inflation soaring beyond 100000 percent , security services warned they were on high alert , and would crush any protests against results .

  7. 系统性崩溃的灾难性后果体现在几个方面:经济崩溃、失业率飙升以及公共债务出现爆炸性增长。

    When it came , the fruits of that breakdown were disastrous on several dimensions : economies collapsed ; unemployment jumped ; and public debt exploded .