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  • collapse;crack;burst;hit
  • 倒塌:~塌。~坍。~毁。~解(jiě)。~溃。~决。~颓。分~离析。

  • 破裂:~裂。把气球吹~了。

  • 崩裂的东西击中:放爆竹~了手。

  • 败坏:礼坏乐(yuè)~。

  • 称枪毙:拉出去~了。

  • 君主时代称帝王死:驾~。


(倒塌; 崩裂) collapse:

  • 雪崩


  • 山崩

    landslide; landslip


(破裂) crack; burst:

  • 谈崩了

    break down the negotiation;

  • 崩了一角。

    One corner cracks open.


(崩裂物击中) hit:

  • 被炸起的石头崩伤了

    be hit by bursting stones


[口] (枪毙) shoot; execute by shooting:

  • 不许动, 要不我就崩了你。

    Don't move, otherwise I'll kill you [you'll be shot dead].


(君主时代称帝王死) (of emperor) pass away:

  • 驾崩

    (of emperor) die

  1. 压缩态J-C模中的崩坍-复原现象

    Collapse and revival phenomena in the squeezed state Jaynes-Cummings model

  2. 福建省崩岗侵蚀成因及治理模式研究

    Causes and Control Patterns of Collapse Gully Erosion in Fujian Province

  3. 我啃法棍面包时,崩掉了一颗牙!

    I lost a tooth while chomping on a French baguette !

  4. 巨大的冲击力使一些窗户崩碎,海水涌了进来。

    The impact blew out some of the windows and the sea came rushing in .

  5. 房顶崩坍了。

    The roof fell down .

  6. 崩了一角。

    One corner cracks open .

  7. 不许动,要不我就崩了你。

    Don 't move , otherwise I 'll kill you [ you 'll be shot dead ] .

  8. 崩坍的冰雪倾泻而下。

    Avalanches rushed down .

  9. 每块崩碎剥落的石头都是一部编年史。

    Every mouldering stone was a chronicle .

  10. GPS定位技术在三峡库区崩滑地质灾害监测中的试验分析

    Application of GPS satellite positioning technique to monitoring of landslides in Three Gorges Dam

  11. GC测定复方丹参口崩片中冰片的含量

    Determination of Borneol in Compound Salvia Orally Disintegrating Tablet by GC

  12. 用改进的蒙特卡罗法模拟SF6和CO2混合气体电子崩参数

    An Improved Monte Carlo Method for Simulation of Electron Swarm Parameters of SF_6 and CO_2 Gas Mixtures

  13. 结论建立了高灵敏度HPLC法测定昂丹司琼的含量,并应用于盐酸昂丹司琼口崩片药动学和生物利用度评价。

    Conclusion High resolution HPLC method has been set up and applied in pharmacokinetic evaluation of ondansetron in orally disintegrating tablets .

  14. 对于茶苯海明口崩片,则以日本药典(JP)溶出度改良法较为适合。

    Improved-JP dissolution disintegrating method was optimum for the measurement dimenhydrinate ODT .

  15. 目的建立高灵敏度HPLC法测定血浆中昂丹司琼含量,并研究盐酸昂丹司琼口崩片的生物利用度。

    Aim To develop a high resolution HPLC method for the determination of ondansetron in human plasma and to study the pharmacokinetics of ondansetron in orally disintegrating tablets .

  16. 流体体积法(VOF)在崩波破碎波能损耗计算中的应用

    Application of VOF in calculating wave energy loss to spilling breaker storm breaker

  17. 扭曲叶片修复的难点在于叶片使用过程中的环境恶劣,常出现磨损、扭曲、崩口等缺陷,使得原CAD曲面模型不再适于精密修复加工的。

    Turbine blades often have defects such as wear and tear during use , and makes the original CAD surface model is no longer suitable for the purpose of processing precision repair .

  18. SEM分析表明,刀具的主要失效形式为后刀面磨损、前刀面月牙洼磨损和刀刃微崩,刀具磨损的主要讲理是粘结磨损和磨粒磨损。

    SEM anlyses show that the tool failure types are main flank wear , face wear and tool tip chip . The principal wear mechanisms are bonding wear and abrasive wear .

  19. 结论用于口崩片体外崩解评价,滴定管液滴法和JP溶出度改良法为两种可取的方法。

    CONCLUSION Buret-liquid droplet disintegrating method and improved-JP dissolution disintegrating method are good disintegrating methods to evaluate ODT .

  20. WX系列崩越二极管

    WX Serial IMPATT Diodes

  21. 仿真结果表明,DBD的微放电过程可分为电子崩、流注和放电熄灭3个连续的阶段。

    The simulation results show that the evolution of micro-discharges in DBD occurs sequentially in three distinctive phases of avalanche , streamer , and decay .

  22. 采用GPS定位技术对三峡库区崩滑地质灾害监测进行试验性研究,是实现对地质灾害监测、预报和防治的现代化而采取的一项重要举措。

    The experimental research into the application of GIS satellite positioning technique to the monitoring of technology to the monitoring of landslides in Three Gorges dam , is an important project financed by the Ministry of Land and Resources to modernize the geological hazard monitoring , forecasting and prevention .

  23. 分布在基岩面高程190m以上的粉质黏土夹碎石土层是由崩积、残积及坡积作用形成的;

    And that those gravel silty clays distributed above 190 m of the rock surface are residual , colluvial and talus deposits ;

  24. 首先通过实验测量和理论计算得到波浪崩破时的速度场,然后根据该速度场利用VOF法计算波浪破碎后的波高值;

    Based on experimental analysis and theoretical calculation , the wave velocity field has been obtained , which is used to calculate the wave height after breaking by VOF ( Volume of Fluid ) method .

  25. 3mm波段硅双漂移崩越二极管外延材料研制本文报导了3毫米频段硅P~+NN~+崩越二极管研制中采取的工艺措施和实验结果。

    An Investigation of the Epitaxial Material for 3 mm Waveband Si DDR IMPATT Diodes The technological approach and experimental results of 90-130 GHz silicon ( P + NN + ) IMPATT diodes are presented .

  26. 实验结果发现突发击穿(snapback),偏置下雪崩热空穴注入NMOSFET栅氧化层,产生界面态,同时空穴会陷落在氧化层中。

    The experiment result shows that the holes generated by avalanche can be injected into gate oxide of a NMOSFET biased into snapback , and then both hole trapping and interface state generation can be found .

  27. 结果PVP-K30制成的片有光泽,测定脆碎度后有少许崩边缺角现象,包衣后片表面粗糙;

    RESULTS The tablet produced by using polyvinylpyrrolidone was glossy , the edge of the tablet was irregular after measuring fragility , the surface was rough after coating ;

  28. 湖北省兴山县顺利完成了17处崩滑体、3处长2939.07m库岸防护的二期地质灾害的防治工作,为135m、139m水库蓄水创造了条件。

    Geological hazard prevention and control in Xingshan country have been successfully accomplished . There are 17 landslides and collapses and 2 939.07 meters reservoir collapse bank in the second period of geological hazards prevention projects .

  29. 报导了3mm波段硅双漂移崩越二极管所需PN/N~+多层、亚微米外延材料的常规CVD生长技术,研究了实现这些高要求的多层结构的方法,得到了最佳的外延工艺条件。

    In this paper , a vapor phase growth technique of PN / N + multilayer submicron epitaxial material for 3 mm waveband Si DDR IMPATT diodes is pre-sented . The approaches to obtain these high quality multilayer structures are studied . The optimum epitaxial process conditions have been established .

  30. 口腔速崩片的制备口腔崩解片的研究进展

    The Studies on Rapidly Disintegrating Tablets Progress of Orally Disintegrating Tablets