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  • 网络Five pieces;Ng Mui
  1. 科比将追寻他的第五枚总冠军戒指,这一成就会让他成为NBA不朽的人物之一。

    Bryant is pursuing his fifth championship ring , an achievement that would place him among the N.B.A.

  2. 英国奥运选手周四将金牌总数增至五枚,其中有三枚是在四小时里赢得的。克里斯•霍伊爵士(SirChrisHoy)以新的世界纪录获得男子自行车赛冠军,为自己的奥运征程再添一枚金牌。

    The UK Olympic team increased its gold medal count to five on Thursday with three victories in the space of four hours as Sir Chris Hoy added another gold medal to his tally by winning the men 's sprint in a new world record .

  3. 霍伊与菲利普•辛德思(PhillipHindes)、杰森•肯尼(JasonKenny)在奥运男子团体自行车赛中成功卫冕。目前克里斯已经赢得五枚奥运金牌和一枚银牌,包括2008年北京奥运的三枚金牌和2004年雅典奥运的一枚金牌。

    Riding with Phillip Hindes and Jason Kenny in successfully defending their Olympic men 's team sprint title , Sir Chris now has five cycling golds and a silver , having won three golds in Beijing in 2008 and one in Athens in 2004 .

  4. 我口袋里有五枚金币。

    I have five pieces of gold in my pocket .

  5. 美国以五枚奖牌紧随以后。

    The United States is right behind them with five .

  6. 那外来客人把五枚值五法郎的钱放在桌上。

    The stranger laid five five-franc pieces on the table .

  7. 在八月曾颁发了五枚荣誉勋章。

    Five medals of Honor were awarded on August .

  8. 他花了五枚硬买了一块甜饼。

    He paid five coins for a cookie .

  9. 他的六枚金牌也使他超越了之前的史蒂夫·瑞德格雷夫的五枚金牌。

    Hoy 's six golds take him past rowing great Sir Steve Redgrave 's five .

  10. 2004年雅典奥运会,罗马尼亚赢得八枚金牌,五枚银牌和六枚铜牌。

    In the2004 Athens Olympics , Romania won eight gold , five silver and six bronze medals .

  11. 在2000年悉尼奥运会上波兰获得了六枚金牌、五枚银牌和三枚铜牌。

    In the 2000 Sydney Olympics , it won six gold , five silver and three bronze medals .

  12. 给土壤浇上水,然后放着过一夜,他的五枚金币就会长出二千枚金币。

    Watered the soil and left them overnight , his five pieces would grow into two thousand pieces .

  13. 说着皮诺奇就掏出那五枚金币展示给狐狸和猫看。

    With that , Pinocchio pulled out the five pieces of gold and showed it to the fox and the cat .

  14. “世博展馆奇观五枚套章”经上海世博会事务协调局授权制造发行。

    This World Expo Shanghai Participating Nations'Pavilions Quinary Medallion Set is made by authorization of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination .

  15. 不幸的是,第五枚“雪花”打开时出现了故障。故障视频在推特上很快就流传开来,并引起了大量吐槽。

    Unfortunately , the fifth ring failed to open , leading to many a quickly-produced Vine video and numerous witty puns on Twitter .

  16. 最终的结果使得菲尔普斯获得了本届奥运会上个人第五枚金牌,他也得以进一步扩大了作为最成功的奥运运动员的纪录。

    The result gave Phelps his fifth gold medal of these Games as he extended his record as the most successful Olympian in history .

  17. 在它所参与的三次夏季奥林匹克运动会上,乌兹别克斯坦总共得三枚金牌,三枚银牌和五枚铜牌。

    The Uzbeks have won a total of three gold , three silver and five bronze medals from three Summer Olympics in which it had competed .

  18. 五枚巨大的“雪花”悬挂在菲时特奥林匹克体育馆上空。按原计划它们应像花瓣展开一样打开,变成奥运五环。

    Five giant snowflakes were suspended above the Fisht Stadium , which were then meant to open out , flower-like , into the five Olympic rings .

  19. 中国队在2006年世锦赛上获得了八枚金牌,又在今年的斯图加特世锦赛上获得了五枚金牌,同样,在好运北京奥运测试赛上几乎取得了所有项目的金牌。

    China won eight golds at the2006 world championships and another five at the Stuttgart worlds earlier this year as well as dominating the Olympic test event .

  20. 他最为信赖的助手得到了五枚金币;另一个被给了两枚;而最后的一位只得到一枚。而后他就匆匆然启程了。

    But the assistant who had been given only the one went away , wrapped it up , and hid it in a sock under his bed .

  21. 几天后,纳迪又在佩剑团体和个人项目上赢得两枚金牌,了在一届奥运会上五枚奥运击剑金牌的记录。

    A few days later , Nadi also earned gold medals in the individual and team sabre for a record five fencing medals at the same Games .

  22. 随着中国男子乒乓球队在男团决赛中3-0击败韩国获得金牌,中国队实现了伦敦奥运会五枚金牌的包揽。

    China completed a clean sweep of table tennis at the Olympics as their men 's team took gold by beating South Korea 3-0 in the best-of-five contest .

  23. 温哥华冬奥会的最大赢家是挪威运动员比约根,她在越野滑雪中摘取了五枚奖牌,三金、一银、一铜。

    The big individual medal winner in Vancouver was Norwegian Marit Bjoergen . She won five in cross-country skiing with three golds , one silver and one bronze .

  24. 已经在伦敦奥运上收获五枚金牌的肯尼亚有可能超过南非,成为本届奥运会上收获最大的非洲国家。

    With five medals already in the bag at the London Olympics , Kenya is poised to rival South Africa as the most successful African country at the London Games .

  25. 该套邮品包括一套五枚的邮票、小型张、首日封、小型张首日封以及资料单张。

    The collection consists of a set of five stamps , a souvenir sheet , a first day cover , the sheet and the cover , and an information brochure .

  26. 研究机织平纹、斜纹(二上一下、二上二下)、缎纹(五枚三飞)等的织物组织结构,建立在计算机上模拟相应组织结构图像的数学模型。

    Making a study of the math model which makes the fabric structure design of plain , twill ( 1 / 2 , 2 / 2 ), stain ( 5 / 3 ) come true in the computer ;

  27. 1980年再度参加全国比赛时,他摘走铅球、铁饼和五项全能三枚银牌。

    When he entered his second national games in 1980 , he came away with silver medals in shot put , discus and pentathlon .