
  • 网络five thousand years
  1. 中华文明五千年,炎黄大帝是祖先。

    Five thousand years of Chinese civilization , Yanhuang Great ancestors .

  2. 五千年的文化底蕴,深深地吸引着国外学者。

    Five thousand years of cultural heritage greatly attracted foreign scholars .

  3. 中国是一个有五千年历史的大国。

    China is a great country with about 5,000 years of history .

  4. 这将意味着两个物种曾共同生存了长达五千年之久。

    This would mean the two species co-existed for as long as 5000 years .

  5. Jenny看Tim不相信fengshui,说,fengshuiisafivethousandyearsoldscience.风水学可是一门有五千年历史的科学。

    Jenny : Tim , feng shui is a five thousand years old science .

  6. 在人类与狗共同进化了一万五千年之后,这点或许并不稀奇。

    This may not seem surprising after 15000 years of co-evolution .

  7. 将中华五千年文明的优良传统带进新世纪&为中华人民共和国成立50周年而作

    Carry the Good Tradition of Chinese Civilization to the New Century

  8. 中国也拥有五千年脑血管病治疗的文字历史。

    Chinese own a written history of5000 years for stroke treatment .

  9. 自从第一个可考证的中国文字记载,五千年已经匆匆飞逝。

    Five thousands years have passed since the first Chinese writing .

  10. 五千年前的人、鸟、兽玉组合器

    A Unity of Man , Bird and Beast of 5000 years ago

  11. 二亿五千年的积累带给您健康的祝福!

    Reserves of2.5 million years bring the greatest blessings to you health !

  12. 这是五千年来的病症。

    It 's disease of the last five thousand years .

  13. 中国五千年的文明史本身就是一部美的历史。

    The 5000-year history of Chinese culture is a history of beauty .

  14. 有些传统节日象征着中国五千年的文化遗产。

    Some traditional festivals represent part of China's5000 years of cultural heritage .

  15. 五千年前陶质建材的测试研究

    Test on ceramic building material of 5500 years ago

  16. 五千年的中国文化不仅属于中国,而且属于全世界。

    The5,000-year-old Chinese culture not only belongs to China but the whole world .

  17. 我用心一次次地敲响五千年的钟声。

    I heart time and time again the bell rang five thousand years .

  18. 五千年的古老历史,为湖南留下了深厚的文化底蕴。

    Five-thousand-year long history lends Hunan with an aroma of profound cultural heritage .

  19. 大约五千年前,秘鲁的文化开始高速发展。

    About 5000 years ago in Peru , culture kicked into high gear .

  20. 都是人类五千年动物驯化历史的产物。

    Both are a product of a5000-year history of domestication by human beings .

  21. 中华名族上下五千年传统文化,深厚的根基为我们提供了取之不尽用之不竭的素材。

    Five thousand years of Chinese traditional culture provides us with inexhaustible material .

  22. 金属农具和精耕细作技术开创了五千年辉煌的古代农业或传统农业文明;

    Usage of metal farming tools and intensive cultivation initiated the traditional agriculture .

  23. 西西里:五千年文明展展品选

    Work Selection from " Exhibition of Sicily Civilization in Five Thousand Years "

  24. 中国五千年的历史文化源远流长,博大精深。

    We China has a long history , extensive knowledge and profound scholarship .

  25. 在五千年中国教育史上,有着极为丰富的和谐社会建设的思想资源。

    This is presumed positive in the researches of the Chinese education history .

  26. 经历了近五千年的风风雨雨,巨石仍然屹立不倒。

    After nearly 5,000 years Stonehenge is still standing .

  27. 五千年文明,灿烂的瑰宝。

    Civilization of five thousand years , brilliant treasure .

  28. 五千年的古国文化,从你这儿发源;

    Five thousand years of ancient culture , and from you here originate ;

  29. 那是我们中国人坚持了五千年的真理。

    That 's the eternal law that our Chinese have abided for5000 years .

  30. 这三只用作标本的猛犸死于两万五千年之四万三千年前的西伯利亚。

    The recovered mammoths died in Siberia between 25000 and 43000 years ago .