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chǐ duó
  • strip;deprive;curtail
褫夺 [chǐ duó]
  • [deprive;strip] 依法剥夺

  • 褫夺公民权

褫夺[chǐ duó]
  1. 权力被褫夺后,遭废黜的国王流亡国外。

    Shorn of his power , the deposed king went into exile .

  2. 他们罢免、消除和褫夺他的教派。

    They deposed , exterminated and deprived him of communion .

  3. 她拥有丰沛,地狱也无法刹那褫夺她整个生命。

    She had so much , earth could not claim the whole .

  4. 已判刑的罪犯均被褫夺选举投票权。

    Convicted criminals are debarred from voting in elections . condemn by attainder .

  5. “自然”跌落为“自然物”,“自然”物化为我们人类可以随意褫夺的对象,随之而来的后果则是人类所面临的全球性的生态危机。

    What is followed is the global ecological crisis that mankind is faced with .

  6. 不得通过任何褫夺公权的法案或者追溯既往的法律。

    Clause 3 : No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed .

  7. 根据基本法规定,立法会议员若因刑事罪行判处监禁一个月以上,就会被褫夺议员资格。

    The basic law says Legco members do not qualify for office if they have been jailed for one month or more .

  8. 2008年北京奥运会上共有五名运动员被发现使用了会干扰促红细胞生成素感受器的药物,而被褫夺参赛资格。

    At the Beijing Olympics of 2008 , five athletes were caught and disqualified for using drugs that tinkered with EPO receptors .

  9. 褫夺其一切官阶及头衔,一切封地及财产,并判处其死刑.大人…

    I strip him of all ranks and titles , of all lands and holdings , and sentence him to death . My Lord ...

  10. 而且不愿目睹或容许人权逐步被褫夺。对于这些人权我国一向坚贞不移,当前在国内和全世界我们也是对此力加维护的。

    the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed , and to which we are committed today at home and around the world .

  11. 如果君主确实受到了试图颠覆其统治与褫夺其权利的外敌威胁,他理所当然可以发动战争,命令他的臣民保卫国家;

    If he were threatened by external enemies who sought to over-throw him or contest his rights , he could then legitimately wage war , and require his subjects to take part in the defense of the state ;

  12. 在受贿罪刑事责任方面,刑法种类主要有拘禁刑、罚金刑、没收犯罪所得收益和褫夺公权,普遍废除死刑。三、中外受贿犯罪比较分析。

    In the criminal responsibility of taking bribes , criminal detention of the main types of punishment , criminal fines , confiscation of proceeds of crime and deprived of civil rights , universal abolition of the death penalty . Third , comparative analysis of foreign bribery crime .
