
  • 网络Textology
  1. 在对这些文本地深度犁耕基础上,本文运用模型法、文本学、归纳法、比较法等方法分析了马尔库塞的救赎伦理思想。

    On the foundation of deep plowing of these works , we employ some methods such as matrix , textology , generalization , comparison and so on . This thesis has analyzed the redemption moral thoughts of Herbert Marcuse .

  2. 马克思和《精神现象学》&一个历史主义的文本学分析

    Marx and The Phenomenology of the Spirit : A Historical Textual Reading

  3. 本论文是对阿多诺的《美学理论》进行的一种文本学解读。

    This thesis is a kind of textological interpretation to Adorno 's Aesthetic Theory .

  4. 詹姆逊现代性批判理论探析&《单一的现代性》的文本学解读

    On the Modern Critical Theory of Jameson & A Textual Analysis of " Unitary Modernity "

  5. 文本学方法是解读马克思文本的思想方法,是对经典文本解读模式的反思。

    The method of text study , which is positive in learning from methodological fruits of hermeneutics etc.

  6. 因此,从源流上弄清“马克思主义的立场、观点和方法”的真正内涵,不仅具有文本学上正本清源之意义,更具有实践上的明辨是非之功能。

    Therefore making clear the connotations of " Marxist standpoint , viewpoint and method " will not only tackling the problem at its root , but also will make a clear distinction between right and wrong .

  7. 文本社会学是奥地利学者皮埃尔v齐马先生提出的社会学批评理论。

    Text Sociology is the sociology critical theory that Austrian scholar Mr Pierre v ? Zima puts forward .

  8. 赖斯(Reiss)的文本类型学以及功能语言学特别是豪斯(House)翻译质量评估模式是对翻译质量评估做出的重大突破。

    Reiss ' text typology and functional linguistics particularly House 's model of translation quality assessment have made great breakthrough in translation quality assessment .

  9. 文本类型学与功能语言学对翻译质量评估的解释力

    The Explanatory Power on Text Typology and Functional Linguistics to Translation Quality Assessment

  10. 文本社会学比较三题

    The Research of Text Sociology Compared with Three Theories

  11. 文本社会学的语言中介性及其推论实证

    Analysis with Examples on the Intermediary of Language and Its Inference in Text Sociology

  12. 比较视野中的文本社会学

    Text Sociology from Comparison View

  13. 基于从功能翻译理论视角出发的文本类型学理论,作者归纳出了适合探讨诗歌翻译的理论框架。

    Approaching the theory of text typology from the functionalist perspective , the author develops the theoretical framework specific to poetry translation .

  14. 书中的文本类型学理论为翻译实践和翻译批评建立了一个重要的标准:依据文本类型来确定翻译策略。

    The theory of text typology in this book sets up an important criterion for translation practice and translation criticism : text type determines translation strategy .

  15. 本文结合文本类型学理论,从文化建构视角分析商务文本翻译中翻译策略的选择。

    This thesis combined with the text type theory , analyses the choice of translation strategies in business text translation from the perspective of culture construction .

  16. 第一章绪论提出了广告文本叙事学分析的研究背景、研究目的、研究方法和研究意义。

    Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical background and status quo of narrative study on advertising texts and elaborates the purposes , approaches and significance of this paper .

  17. 此阶段的教学目的主要是通过开展任务型语言教学以帮助学生总结、反思和运用文本所学。

    The purpose of this stage is to help students summarize , reflect on and use the information obtained from the text through task-based language teaching approach .

  18. 第二,接受马克思主义,主要是出于现实斗争的需要,即实践理性,而不是通过阅读马列系统文本的学理选择。

    Second , his accepting Marxism is mainly due to the requirement of actual struggles , i.e. , practice rationality , instead of the reading of academic selection by reading Marxists texts .

  19. 以文本类型学为基础来探讨音美翻译策略,能为这个问题提供一种新的分析模式。

    The author , by drawing on the theory of text typology , attempts to explore the translation strategies of poem 's musicality , hoping that it may provide a new analysis pattern .

  20. 研究结果显示,把文本类型学理论用作分析公共牌示语言及其翻译的一个工具,有一定的解释力。

    The results of the research show that functional theories can be used in the study of the languages of public notices and , to certain extend , in explaining related translation strategies .

  21. 为此,本文以电视商业广告为切入口,借鉴文学叙事理论和电影叙事理论,建立广告文本叙事学分析的研究框架,旨在对广告文本进行更为全面和系统的分析。

    This paper aims to establish a research framework , drawing on narrative theories in literature and films , to do a comprehensive and systematic analysis on advertising narrative texts , taking TV commercials as samples .

  22. 20世纪70年代和80年代,在以翻译为导向的文本类型学研究影响下,篇章语言学对翻译的研究从静态的语言文本类型学发展到从功能和交际途径分析翻译。

    The 1970s and 1980s , under the topic of " translation-oriented text typology ", witness a shift from the static linguistic typologies of translation and the flourishing of a functional and communicative approach to the analysis of translation .

  23. 因此,文本社会学不但可以成为重建文艺社会学的一种有效途径,而且可以成为21世纪中国文艺学学科多元化、多样化发展的一种理论范式。

    Therefore , Text sociology not only can become a kind of effective way of rebuilding literature and art sociology , but alos can become a kind of theory normal form of development for China 's literature and art discipline pluralism and diversification in the 21st century .

  24. 地理环境与赣南旅游文学旅游文本的符号学翻译研究

    Study of semiotic translation of tourist literature Medium and Literature

  25. 旅游文本的符号学翻译研究

    Study of semiotic translation of tourist literature

  26. 作为一种解释文本的技艺学,诠释学在国际关系研究中应该成为一种得到认可的方法。

    As an art of interpretation of texts , hermeneutics should become a recognized method in IR research .

  27. 《盘庚》别传&对一个上古文本的传播学解读

    The Other Stories of 《 Pangeng 》: A Reading of the Text of the Communication of the Ancient Time

  28. 美国新闻文本的叙事学分析&普利策新闻奖作品的文学视角研究之二

    An Analysis of American Text Narration & The Second Study of Literature Angle of View on Pulitzer Prize Works

  29. 文本从传播学的五要素分析入手,提出了电视散文传播的策略,试图为电视散文的发展建言献策。

    Text of the five elements from communication , this paper put forward the strategy of TV prose spread .

  30. 20世纪中国写作理论经历了初期和中期从西方的语法学、修辞学、逻辑学、文艺学的引进形成现代写作学基本话语&文章八大块文本主义写作学。

    In 20th century , Writing Theory developed based on the Grammar , Rhetoric , Style , and Literature-Theory which importation from the West and introduction a modern basic Writing Theory of Chinese .