
  • 网络cultural assimilation;culture assimilation;acculturation
  1. 中西融合与文化同化有着本质上的不同。

    China-and-West-Merge is essentially different from cultural assimilation .

  2. 的“大熔炉”进程已等同于文化同化和同化。

    The " melting pot " process has been equated with cultural assimilation and acculturation .

  3. 法裔犹太人已经被这个国家的文化同化了。

    French Jews generally had been assimilated into the nation 's culture .

  4. 在和美国文化同化的过程里我得到了很多快乐。

    I had so much fun and adventure during my assimilation of American culture .

  5. 本文探讨学习者文化同化程度和他们二语学习的成就之间的关系。

    This thesis explores the relationship between learners ' acculturating degree and their attainment in second language acquisition .

  6. 可是强调信条同化,而不是文化同化,至少给这些新移民一个机会,一个他们无疑亟需的机会。

    But insisting on creedal rather than cultural assimilation at least gives them a chance , which they certainly need .

  7. 照这样的教学模式,几十年后,我们的后代会被西方文化同化。

    Shine on thus of teaching mode , several after decades , our posterities will be assimilated by the western culture .

  8. 通路(经营商)。笔者提出了要用诚信、务实的企业文化同化经销商的观点。

    On distribution ( operator ), the writer sticks to the standpoint that using good faith and practicability enterprise culture to assimilate the distributors .

  9. 然而,面对如此强势的全球化浪潮的冲击,文化同化的步伐不断加快,各民族文化的多样性正面临着严峻的考验,其突出表现是民族大众文化的衰落。

    With the quickened steps of globalization and acculturation , the diversity of ethnic cultures face serious challenges with a conspicuous decline of popular ethnic cultures .

  10. 在文化同化方面,由于吸取了大量的美国主流文化价值观,他们的犹太教信仰、犹太文化价值观和行为规范降低至所谓的象征性犹太教。

    With cultural assimilation , American Jews had sufficiently taken American dominant values whereas they adhered only symbolically to Judaism , Jewish cultural values and behavioral patterns .

  11. 不过,根据辞典编纂单位之一花莲东华大学,台湾原住民语言正因文化同化现象而死亡中。

    Taiwan 's indigenous languages , however , are dying out because of cultural assimilation , according to National Dong Hwa University in Hualien , which was one of the compilers of thee-dictionary .

  12. 试论日本平安文化的同化特征

    Reflections on the Assimilation Features of the Ping'an Period in the Japanese History

  13. 许多美籍华裔已完全被美国文化所同化。

    Many of the Chinese descendants in America have been completely assimilated into American culture .

  14. 在现代化、信息化、全球化的今天,现代的生活方式使文化趋同化。

    With the modernization , informationization and globalization , contemporary life style leads to cultural convergence .

  15. 此外,夏洛克野蛮人是最后有力地明显优于文化所同化。

    Moreover , Shylock the barbarian is in the end forcefully assimilated into the clearly superior culture .

  16. 目前,在开展旅游的少数民族地区,民族文化被同化的现象十分突出。

    Now , in some aeras developing cultural tourism , the phenomenon about ethnic culture being assimilated is apparent .

  17. 因此,两种文化在同化失败之后,相互调适和融合,循环反复,螺旋上升。

    Therefore , after the failure of assimilation , the two cultures choose integration and mutual adjustment , the cycle repeated and spiral .

  18. 但随着旅游的发展与经济的开放,民族文化被同化的现象十分突出。

    But with the development and opening in tourism and economics , the phenomenon of assimilation of the ethnic culture is much projecting .

  19. 日本传统建筑虽然师承我大唐,但长期在当地文化的同化中,已自成体系。

    Although the Japanese learn from our Tang dynasty to form its tradition building , they have already formed independent architectural system under the native culture in long-term .

  20. 在全球经济一体化和文化趋同化的背景下,保护与传承城市的地域文化和城市特色显得十分重要和迫切。

    Under the background of global economic integration and cultural convergence , it is of great importance and urgency to protect and inherit regional feature and city characteristic .

  21. 在市场全球化、通讯网络化、法律文化趋同化的今天,模仿、借鉴与移植外来法律文化是势不可当的潮流。

    With the globalization of market , network of communication , convergence of legal culture , there is an irresistible trend to imitating and transplanting legal system from foreign culture .

  22. 它的封闭性表现在对外来思想的拒绝和同化上,外来宗教始终没有取代中国传统儒家思想的地位,反而被中国文化所同化,最终成为中国文化的一部分。

    The first one was shown on the refusal and assimilation to the foreign thoughts , the foreign religions never took the place of Chinese traditional Confucianism and were assimilated by Chinese culture .

  23. 他们由于外来者的入侵及文化“同化”,沦为很不利的境地,如美洲的印第安人、大洋洲的毛利人和靠近北极圈的因纽特人等。

    Due to the outsider " assimilation " cultural invasion and became very disadvantageous position , such as America , the indians , Oceania and near the Arctic Circle in the Maori Inuit , etc.

  24. 有清一代,中央政府耗费了大量的时间,通过军事上征服、文化上同化等一系列的活动在贵州的广大腹地扩大了影响并建立和巩固了统治。

    The government spent plenty of time in military conquest and culture assimilation during the Qing dynasty , which expanded the influence of the central government and consolidated its domination in the hinterland of Guizhou province .

  25. 在国际音乐教育学会的不断拓展和成长中,通过这一平台我国音乐教育也逐渐与国际接轨,在吸纳先进教育理念的同时也面临民族文化被同化的挑战。

    With the continuous expansion and growth of ISME , music education in our country is gradually aligning with the international music education , acquiring advanced education concept and the challenges of assimilation of native culture .

  26. 摘要在经济全球化大背景下,民族文化的同化和式微、民族文化旅游资源开发的商业化和庸俗化、民众价值观的退化和遗失等现象普遍存在。

    Against the background of economic globalization , the phenomenon of the assimilation of national culture , the commercialization and philistinism of the development of traveling resources of national culture and the decay and losing of the value of citizens are commonly existing .

  27. 在全球文化趋同化的今天,以儒家文化为核心的中国传统文化为全球所关注并重新学习和研究,孔庙作为儒家思想传播的载体,它的时代价值和研究价值再次为人们所重视。

    In this era of globalization , Chinese traditional culture based on Confucianism is rediscovered and studied by people all around the world , at the same time , as the carrier of Confucianism , the Confucian Temple is highlighted again by the globe .

  28. 我们在伟大的传统文化中被同化了。

    We have been assimilated in the great traditional culture .

  29. 在经济和科技高度全球化的今天,城市文化的趋同化现象日益显著。

    Due to a high degree of globalization of economy and science and technology today , the convergence of cultural phenomenon in cities is increasingly significant .

  30. 近10年来,美国出现了拉美裔移民激增的现象,远远超过美国文化熔炉的同化速度。

    The past decades , especially in the past 10 years , has witnessed a rapid increase in Latin immigrants in the United States , which engulfs the assimilation speed of American Melting Pot .