
  1. 科学文献半衰期计算的Pauline公式质疑

    Comment on Pauline 's Formula for the Half-Life Calculation of Scientific Literatures

  2. AJA篇均引文数较高,引用文献半衰期较长,引用期刊相对集中。

    AJA had more references and relatively concentrated cited journal categories , and citing half-life of AJA was longer than that of NJA .

  3. 文献半衰期的类型及其应用

    Type and Its Applications of the Half Life Calculation of Scientific Literatures

  4. 被引文献峰值(9.8%)是在发表后的第4年,文献半衰期为6~7年。

    The peak value of background literature ( 9.8 % ) occurred at the 4th year after publication . The half life of literature was 6 ~ 7 years .

  5. 预防医学中文文献半衰期5.23年,英文文献半衰期9.94年;

    In the half-life for the reference of Modern Preventive Medicine , Chinese reference is 5 . 23 years old , and English reference is 9 . 94 years old .

  6. 结果表明,用本文提出的方法,通过BK老化方程求文献的半衰期是可靠的。

    The results shown that the method to regress B-K equation linearly can be used to solve literature 's half-life and is simple and reliable .

  7. 提出一种用一元线性回归求解BK老化方程的方法,给出了线性方程的相关系数,检验了线性方程的显著性,并结合应用实例,求出实例文献的半衰期。

    A method for B-K equation of literature obsolescence is derived with the linear regression . The method is applied to an example , the correlation coefficient is found and the significance of the equation is tested , the literature half-life of the example is solved .

  8. 科技文献老化半衰期的计算方法

    On Half Obsolescence Life Calculation Methods of Science and Technology Documents

  9. 引用文献的半衰期为6.70年;自引率2.31%。

    The citation half-life was 6.70 years and rate of self-citation was 2.31 % .

  10. 还计算了22种石油科技期刊引用参考文献的半衰期,其中中文参考文献为6.05年,外文的为10.36年;

    The half-life periods of quoting reference documents of the 22 periodicals are computed . The half-life period of Chinese reference documents is 6 . 05 years , the one of foreign language is 10 . 36 years ;

  11. 关于半衰期的定性研究已经成熟,定量计算的方法以及文献增长速度对半衰期的影响程度是现今研究半衰期方法的主要课题。

    Qualitative researches on half-life have already been very mature , and quantitative research and research on how literature growth rate influences half-life are the two main current research areas in the field of half-life study .

  12. 根据临床中遇到的问题,结合相关文献,应用阿奇霉素半衰期计算其在连续用药和间隔用药中每日体内药量,讨论阿奇霉素和红霉素在临床应用中的抗菌作用、半衰期及不良反应。

    Based on the questions in clinics and pertinent literature , the antibacterial action , half life and adverse reaction of azithromycin and erythromycin were discussed in this paper , and the dosages per day for continuous administration and intermittent administration of azithromycin were calculated .

  13. 本文采用文献计量学和数理统计学的理论方法,选取2002年我国出版的数学核心期刊17种为统计对象,得出引文数量分布,介绍了文献半衰期的三种计算方法。

    Based on 17 kinds of Chinese core mathematics journals published in 2002 , by using the theoretical methods of biblio-metrics and mathematical statistic , we can get the quantity distribution of citation and three methods about how to calculate the half obsolescence life of documents .