
wén huà shì chǎnɡ ɡuǎn lǐ
  • Cultural Market Management;control of the cultural market
  1. 认清定位寻找突破口&改革当前文化市场管理的新思维

    New Ideas in the Reform of Present Culture Market Management

  2. 但是,在发展的同时,东莞市文化市场管理体系也出现了很多问题。

    But , at the same time , the cultural market management system of Dongguan also appeared a lot of problems .

  3. 加强文化市场管理,坚持开展扫黄打非。低强度超声场促进剩余污泥好氧消化

    We will improve management of the culture market and steadfastly fight against pornography and illegal publications . Low intensity ultrasonic treatment to enhance aerobic digestion of excess sludge

  4. 记者了解到,奎屯市文化市场管理走在了全疆前列,连续两年被上级部门和自治区评为优秀单位。

    Reporters learned that the cultural market Kuitun Xinjiang walk in the forefront of the higher authorities for two consecutive years was named the outstanding units and the autonomous region .

  5. 如何培育和完善广西音像市场,打击非法走私、盗版音像制品,营造良好的市场环境,是文化市场管理者面临的一个重要问题。

    How to cultivate and perfect Guangxi 's audiovisual market , to take strong measures against illegal smuggling and piratic audio and video and to create a good market environment , is a serious problem facing the administrators of cultural market .

  6. 一是对青少年加强性知识教育和道德品质培养,二是加强文化市场管理,消除精神污染。

    Consequently , he puts forward the countermeasures against this problem , namely , to enhance the youth 's sex awareness and the cultivation of the youth 's moralities , and to strengthen the management of the culture market so as to eliminate the spiritual pollution .

  7. 文化市场的社会管理应该、可以在我国现行文化市场管理中发挥什么作用?

    What role should and can the social management of cultural market play ?

  8. 按照一手抓繁荣、一手抓管理的方针,健全文化市场体系,完善文化市场管理机制,为繁荣社会主义文化创造良好的社会环境。

    In compliance with the principle of both enriching culture and intensifying management , we should improve the system of markets for cultural products and their management mechanism to create a social climate favorable for a flourishing socialist culture .

  9. 要繁荣文化市场,找准政府在文化市场管理中的角色定位是一个关键问题。

    To make culture market prosperous , the key problem is to make sure where the government should be in the culture market management .

  10. 充分利用农村特有的历史文化资源、走市场化道路以及加强文化市场管理等,是目前农村文化产业加快发展的必然选择。

    It is an inevitable selection for the culture industry to make the best use of the historic and cultural resources peculiar to the rural area , and develop the culture industry in accordance with the market mechanism , strengthen the support and management of cultural market .

  11. 要重视暴力文化对青少年的危害,对暴力文化实行分级制,加强文化市场管理,净化文化环境,创造有利青少年成长的空间。

    It will help create positive space for the growth of teenagers by paying attention to the danger from the culture of violence over the teenagers and managing the culture of violence with classification .

  12. 目前我国的农村文化建设中存在着部分农村干部对文化建设不够重视,农村文化设施建设滞后,农村文化市场发育不足、管理不善等问题。

    In the current rural cultural construction there exist such problems as the ignorance of the cultural construction by some rural cadres , the backwardness of the rural cultural facilities , the inadequacy of the rural cultural market development and the imperfection of the management .