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  1. 文公岭沸石的矿物学研究

    Mineralogical studies of the zeolites from Wen Gong Ling

  2. 晋文公重耳在外流亡19年后继位。

    Duke Wen of Jin ascended to the enthronement after 19 years of hard exile .

  3. 接下来,晋文公就要与楚国一决雌雄。

    The next step for the Duke should be to challenge the power of Chu .

  4. 河南焦作地区在晋文公称霸战略中的历史地位

    Historical Position of Jiaozuo District of Henan Province in the Hegemony Strategy of the Revered Jin Wen Gong

  5. 另一说是指齐桓公、晋文公、楚庄王、吴王阖闾和越王勾践。最早称霸的是齐桓公(公元前685~公元前643在位)。

    Duke Huan of Qi ( in the throne from 685 B.C. - 643 B.C. ) was the first over-lord .

  6. 考《王荆文公诗李壁注》误收他人诗三首

    Tests of the Notes to Wang Jing Wen Gong 's Poetry by Li Bi Receiving Other People 's Three Poems by Mistake

  7. 晋国的胜利确保了晋文公的霸权地位也确立了楚国在北方长达至少一代时间的通知。

    The Jin victory confirmed the hegemony of Duke Wen of Jin and checked Chu ambitions in the north for at least a generation .

  8. 为了纪念介子椎,晋文公下令每年的这一天,禁止生火,家家户户只能吃生冷的食物,这就是寒食节的来源。

    To commemorate Jie , the lord ordered all fires in every home to be put out on the anniversary of Jie 's death .

  9. 滕文公为世子,将之楚,过宋而见孟子。

    When the prince , afterwards duke Wen of Teng , had to go to Chu , he went by way of Song , and visited Mencius .

  10. 论文对龙舒本《王文公文集》的体例、与其他版本系统的关系以及其刊刻时间等方面进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes the style of Longshu version " Wang Wengong Document Anthology ", the relationship between other version systems along with inscribing time and so on .

  11. 后来,重耳回国登上王位,成了晋文公,对跟随他逃亡的大臣论功行赏,却偏偏忘了介之推。

    However , when the prince ascended the throne and became king of the Jin state , he forgot about Jie Zhitui completely . He awarded all his other followers except Jie .

  12. 宋成公、昭公、文公、共公都曾参加诸侯国的会盟活动,会盟仍是这一时期宋国历史的重要组成部分。

    The Duke Cheng Zhao Wen Gong of Song participated in the activities of the vassal states of the Union . Alliance was still an important part of the history in this period .

  13. 晋文公知道介之推很孝顺,就想在绵山上放一把火,逼迫介之推自己背着母亲跑出来。

    The king knew that Jie was a filial son , so he thought if he set the mountain on fire , Jie , for his mother 's sake , would definately come out .

  14. 晋国自文公创霸称霸中原一个半世纪,更是影响了几乎整个春秋时代的历史。

    Since Jin Wen Gong set up the dominant team , Jin was the overlord of the central plains of China for a century and a half . That affected almost the entire history of the Spring and Autumn Period .

  15. 清明节这一习俗源于晋文公重耳悼念介之推的。传说:相传春秋时期,晋国的介之推跟随晋公子重耳逃亡国外19年,忠心耿耿。

    According to the legend , during the Spring and Autumn Period , a person named Jie Zhitui followed his master Chong'er , the prince of Jin , and stayed with him during all the 19 years when the prince was in exile .

  16. 晋文公以为是取威定霸的好机会,便打着“尊王”的旗号,打垮王子带,把襄王送回王都。

    Duke Wen of Jin saw his chance . Raising the banner of " loyalty to the king of Zhou " , and allying other lords , he conquered Wang Zidai , rescued the king and accompanied him back to the royal domain , highly rewarded by the King .