
  1. 神话作为文献材料和艺术起源实证材料的质疑

    A query on mythos as substantial evidence of documental materials for artistic original studies

  2. 这个观点可以得到传世文献材料和现代方言材料两个方面证据的支持。

    This supposition is supported by the evidence from both ancient literature and modern dialect .

  3. 在具体论述的过程中,全篇注重对一手文献材料和未刊稿的考察分析。

    This paper specifically focuses on the analysis based first-hand literature material and unpublished drafts .

  4. 他的文献材料的来源确实是错误的。

    The Motif of One Becoming More and Buddhist Scriptures his documentary sources are demonstrably wrong .

  5. 魏晋南北朝石刻文献材料中存在大量异体字。

    There are many variant characters on the Stone Inscriptions of Weijin South and North Dynasties .

  6. 手抄本小说是保留语言和文字面貌的重要文献材料。

    Manuscripts novel is one of the important literature handed down from ancient times retains the language features .

  7. 根据本研究结果及对相关文献材料的分析,本文提出抗肿瘤抗体的吸附内化依赖于膜胞饮功能区这一内化细胞生物学理论的新观点。

    These findings suggest that adsorptive internalization of antitumour antibodies may be dependent on the membrane pinocytosis domains .

  8. 还强调在研究中必须重视非语言材料和文献材料的运用。

    The paper also stresses that application of non - language materials and literatures should be considered seriously in the research .

  9. 本研究主要采用了历史法、文献材料法和理论分析法等研究方法。

    The adopted study method in this research includes method of historical , methods of literature study and method of material analysis .

  10. 主要依据《明史》文献材料,从晚明宫帷朝政纷争环境来考察魏学曾的仕途际遇;

    Based on history of the Ming Dynasty , the author studies the official career and experiences of Wei Xuezeng of Jingyang county .

  11. 第四、五章则是融合文字、音韵、训诂等知识对道书中潜藏的语言和文献材料进行探索,揭示它们在辞书编纂和古籍整理方面的价值。

    Thirdly elaborating the value of Taoist document in the ancient works and dictionary compiling by the knowledge of Philology , Phonology and Hermeneutic .

  12. 如何确定远古文献材料以及所记载的历史的真实性有很多难题。

    Many on how to prove the documental materials from ancient times and the validity of the materials recorded in history are in question .

  13. 本文检讨了以往研究上古汉语复声母的不足之处,以及使用文献材料的不慎情况。

    In the past time , there are a lot of defects including the careless quotation of documents in the study of ancient Chinese consonant clusters .

  14. 该文在收集分析文献材料的基础上,探讨了媒介与媒介生物性疾病等概念及其相互关系。

    Based on the collection and analyses of the relative literature , the relations between concepts of the vector , vector-borne disease and others have been explored .

  15. 然后,在介绍了荀或所处的时代背景后,结合搜集的相关文献材料,论述了他的家庭背景和他精彩的人生。

    Then , after introduced Xun Yu locates the time background , the union collection related literature material , elaborated his family background and his splendid life .

  16. 神话具有它的历史和文学的价值,但它作为文献材料能否作为艺术起源研究的实证材料值得质疑。

    Mythos , though characterized by its worthy literature and history , is still skeptical to its substantial evidence as documental materials as well as its artistic original studies .

  17. 本文以田野调查和文献材料为基础,试对民间信仰与客家地区开发,以及客家族群发展这三者之间的关系进行探讨。

    Based on the field investigation and literature , this paper intends to discuss the relationship among the Hakka , the exploitation and Hakka clan of the Hakka region .

  18. 本文大量的文献材料分析归纳,指出韩国伦理道德的三大特点:多元价值体系的支撑、注重实际问题和儒家文化传统根基。

    This paper analyzes the unique characteristics of South Korean ethics and morality and classes them into three types : multi-value viewpoints , orientation towards practice and traditional Confucian root .

  19. 在此基础上,进一步结合文献材料,深入剖析考古学材料中蕴含的信息,以期对两汉家族研究有所助益。

    Combining with the literature material , this essay analyzes the information within the archaeological materials deeply , with the hope of bring some help to the study of Han family .

  20. 同时,本文还对云南地域性文献材料进行了梳理,并大量在文中引证,呈现近代云南农学发展史。

    In this paper , the literature on regional Yunnan grooming materials , a large number of citation in the text , a modern history of the development of agriculture in Yunnan .

  21. 由于魏晋时期文献材料的繁冗庞杂,核心词出现频率高,无法一一分类罗列。

    Considering the numerous and jumbled status of the references in the dynasty of Wei and Jin and the high frequency the kernel words used , to classify them one by one was impossible .

  22. 如能研究明白这些城镇的地理位置,结合其他文献材料,或可解决县以下市镇研究的资料问题。

    If we can come to understand the geographical location of these towns , and with other literature materials , maybe we can resolve the problem of the information of below the county towns .

  23. 总体来说,他比较注重搜集整理原始资料,善于运用地下材料和文献材料互相补正,因此他的治学风格更偏向于考古派。

    On the whole , he thinks collecting and arranging source are important , underground material and literature material are supplements and corrections . So his scholarship style is more partial to Archaeological School .

  24. 家训是中华文明中体现古人家庭教育思想的一种特有的重要形式,是研究我国古代家庭教育思想较为系统和完备的重要文献材料。

    In Chinese history , family injunction has great importance in reflecting the family-education thoughts of people in ancient China and can be utilized as systematic and complete materials in researching such kind of thoughts .

  25. 二月二是我国民间重要的传统节日,文章运用文献材料,对二月二习俗的流变进行了分析,并浅析了龙抬头节、社日的形成,希冀能够推动学术界对传统节日文化研究的进展。

    " February two " is one of the important tradition folk festivals . With documentary materials , the " February two " custom is analyzed in order to advance the research work of traditional festivals .

  26. 本文根据文献材料的记载,对唐代长江下游地区农田水利的发展情况作了具体的考察,并在其基础上总结了该地区农田水利的发展特点。

    This essay , based on historical documents , gives a useful survey of the irrigative development of the Yangtze downstream in the Tang Dynasty and , on the basis of the survey , sums up its developing features .

  27. 本文将充分利用丰富的正史、汉赋、笔记小说等文献材料与考古资料,以马克思唯物史观为指导思想,运用归纳演绎等方法对两汉皇家园林的社会功能进行系统的研究,归纳,总结。

    This thesis will take full advantage of the rich history , novels and other literature materials and archaeological information , with Marxist historical materialism as the guiding ideology , inductively interprets the social functions of the Han royal garden .

  28. 本文正文包括五章:第一章《明清山东杂剧传奇概说》,主要是厘清明清山东杂剧传奇作家、作品的基本文献材料,概括性地描述其历史发展过程、基本趋势等。

    The first chapter An Introduction to Shandong Zaju and Chuanqi in Ming and Qing Dynasties , mainly clarifies the basic material of the writers and works , concisely describes its development process , the basic trend and so on .

  29. 又根据诗题、自注、文本、交游、史书、笔记、方志等文献材料考索出袁凯相当一部分作品的写作年限和年代。

    The writing years and periods of part of Yuan Kai ' works are also found out on the basis of such documents as the poetic titles , annotations , texts , travels , historical records , notes and local annals .

  30. 在释义时,主要以小说中所提供的书证材料为依据,并尽量全面地调查明清时期的其它文献材料加以印证,争取获得比较丰富的感性材料,以取得释义的完整性与准确性。

    We explain the meaning mainly based on the documentary evidence provided in the novel . We investigate literature materials to confirm during Ming and Qing dynasties as much as possible , in order to obtain more abundant perceptual materials and correct meaning .