
  • 网络Literature growth;growth of literature
  1. 关于普赖斯文献增长曲线的讨论

    Discussion on the Literature Growth Curve of D. Price

  2. 一个描述科技文献增长规律的新模型

    A New Model for the Law of Literature Growth

  3. 文献增长的非线性回归模型

    Nonlinear Regression Model for Increment of Scientific Document

  4. 文献增长规律的研究

    Research on the Regularity of the Document Increase

  5. 文献增长的机理分析

    Mechanism Analysis of the Document Growth

  6. 目的:分析国内外心理疗法文献增长规律及影响的主要因素。

    AIM : To analyze and compare the increase of the psychotherapy literatures in China and abroad and the major influence factors .

  7. 本文分析了普赖斯文献增长模型中参数的意义,并分析了其他作者提出的参数的三个估计方法中存在的缺陷,给出了改进了的估计方法。

    In this paper , we discussed the parameter in Price 's documental growth model and the shortage of three methods for estimating . Further , the modified estimation methods are given .

  8. 为文献增长的非时序模型的建立与解释,以及为文献发展的区域性预测和中长期预测提供了必要的基础。

    The necessary basis is provided for the establishment and explanation of non-time series model of literature growth , and for the regional forecast and middle and long range forecast of literature development .

  9. 关于半衰期的定性研究已经成熟,定量计算的方法以及文献增长速度对半衰期的影响程度是现今研究半衰期方法的主要课题。

    Qualitative researches on half-life have already been very mature , and quantitative research and research on how literature growth rate influences half-life are the two main current research areas in the field of half-life study .

  10. 网络文献内容增长规律的实证研究&以PC显卡相关内容主题的增长为例

    A Study of the Increase of Network Information Contents On the Regulation of Internet Information

  11. 普赖斯文献指数增长曲线是经坐标变换处理过的曲线。

    Abstract The literature growth curve of D. Price is a kind of coordinate-transformated curve .

  12. 近几年来,关于MCRs的文献数目迅速增长,新的MCRs不断被发现,MCRs在药物发现、农药化学和天然产物全合成等方面得到广泛的应用。

    In recent years , the number of the literatures on MCRs increased rapidly , and new MCRs were constantly discovered .

  13. 文献的迅速增长,客观上需要对期刊进行选择;

    Rapid growth of documents requires the choice of periodicals .

  14. 近二十年图书情报一级学科期刊文献的线性增长趋势

    The Linear Growth Trends in Periodical Literature of Library and Information Science Discipline Over the Past 20 Years

  15. 随着现代技术的突飞猛进,文献资料急剧增长,信息产业越来越显示其重要地位。

    With the advance of modern science and technology , document materials greatly increase and information industry shows its importance .

  16. 现代科学实践活动及其成果的迅速增加,极大地提高了文献更新和增长的速度。

    Along with rapid increase of scientific activities and their productions , scientific documents have been updating and improving quickly .

  17. 普赖斯在他的名著《巴比伦以来的科学》中揭示了科学知识与科学文献的指数增长规律。

    D. Price points out the exponential increasing law of science knowledge and the literature of science in his masterpiece " Science since Babylon " .

  18. 随着高等学校事业的发展,图书馆文献资源迅速增长,越来越多的图书、期刊、电子资源、网络资源等丰富了图书馆的馆藏内容。

    With the development of the cause of the university library document resources , the rapid growth , more and more books , periodicals , electronic resources and network resources riched content of library collection .

  19. 近年来,随着计算机、生物、化学、医药等领域的研究成果发布周期越来越短,科技文献数目加速增长。

    In recent years , since the releasing cycles of research results in the field of computer , biology , chemistry , medicine and so on are getting shorter , the number of scientific literature is getting accelerated growth .

  20. 中国数字图书馆文献信息量的增长态势及其核心著者测评

    The Increasing Tendency of Document Information Amount of Digital Libraries in China and Evaluation on Core Authors

  21. 随着计算机技术和生物技术的进步,当前生物医学领域文献正在爆炸性增长。

    With the advancement of computing technology and biotechnology , the amount of biomedical literature is increasing in an explosive speed .

  22. 现有研究文献显示,人口增长和消费变化是影响海洋渔业资源变化的重要动因。

    Current literature review shows that population growth and changes of consumption patterns are the major driving forces affecting marine fishery resources .

  23. 随着生物医学领域文献的爆炸性增长,从生物医学文献中自动获取生物医学知识已经成为生物信息学研究的重要领域。

    With the explosive increment of biomedicine literature , how to extract the information from biomedicine literature is becoming an important research area in the field of bioinformatics .

  24. 结论:1.我国伤害预防研究文献整体呈线性增长趋势,文献类型以期刊论文为主,文献的基金论文比较低。

    The injury prevention research increased linearly in China , and journal paper was the main literature type . The ratio of fund paper was relatively low . 2 .

  25. 因特网上的医学文献浩如烟海,并且增长速度也很快,怎么才能检索到我们所需要的临床证据,最科学的方法是按照循证医学证据的级别依次进行检索。

    There are many Medical literatures on the Internet , and the growth rate is soon , how can we access to the clinical evidence we need , most scientific method is based on the level of medical evidence searched .

  26. 生命科学的迅猛发展导致了生物医学文献的指数级增长,随着信息抽取技术日益成熟,对生物医学文献信息抽取技术的研究越来越具有现实意义,而生物实体关系抽取正是其中最重要的一环。

    With the rapid development of life sciences , the biomedicine literature has been growing very fast . As a result , the research in biomedicine information extraction is becoming more and more important , and relation extraction is one of the most important problems .

  27. 生物医学数据的数量正在爆炸式地增长,如此海量的数据给医学科学家研究新药带来丰富的理论支持,但研究者们通宵达旦地阅读文献也不及其增长速度,更不用说抽取出隐藏在其中的信息。

    The number of biomedical data is growing explosively , such vast amounts of data brings abundant theoretical support for biomedical scientists researching new drugs , but even if they read the literatures day and night , they will not read all , let alone extract hidden information .

  28. 如此海量的数据给研究者们带来丰富的信息,但研究者们通宵达旦阅读文献也不及文献的增长速度。

    Such vast amounts of data bring a wealth of information to researchers , but researchers work day and night do not keep up with the growth of the literature .

  29. 其次根据搜集整理期刊文献的结果从文献增长、期刊、作者、地区、关键词五个维度进行特征分析,系统的展示我国电子商务安全研究的现状与存在的问题。

    Secondly , the paper analyzed the features from the collected literatures according to five facets ( i.e. literature growth , journals , author , area and key word ), and displayed systematically the current situation and problems in the electronic commerce security research of our country .

  30. 老年神经与精神病学871篇文献分析基础研究文献量增长最快,是1983年的17倍。

    A quantitative analysis of literatures on geriatric neurology and psychiatry from 1983 to 1993 in China The quantity of articles on basic research of geriatric neurology and psychiatry was increased 17 times , it was the fastest .