
  • 网络argumentation
  1. 中国学生英语论述文中的语篇迁移及其启示

    Discourse Transfer in Chinese Students ' English Expository and Argumentative Essay and Its Implications

  2. 希望通过论述文的写作,使学生在发展思维能力等智力的同时,培养他们良好的情感、态度和价值观。

    The writer hopes through writing argumentative essays , students can improve their intelligence and develop their good emotions , attitudes and ethical values as well .

  3. 本文阐述了英语论述文写作中常用的一种修辞手法&对比和比较,以及使用这种修辞方法给文章所增添的效果和魅力。

    The article expounds the frequently used rhetoric & contrast and comparison in English essay writing , the effects and the fascination the rhetoric method adds to the article .

  4. 最后,本文对高中论述文教学策略进行一些阐述,并用实验结果证明这些策略对提高学生作文兴趣和作文水平的有效性。

    At the same , the essay states the teaching methods to argumentative essays , which prove efficient to help students improve their interest and level on writing by some experiments ' results .

  5. 第二章论述礼文的表象之美。

    Chapter two mainly expounds the beauty roused by presentation .

  6. 本文对湖南柳属植物的分类和地理分布作了较详细的论述,文中报导湖南柳属14种,4变种,并报导1新变种,2个分布新记录和1个自然杂交种。

    This paper deals with the taxonomic and geographical distributional research of the genus of salix from Hunan .

  7. 详细论述了文中建立的评估系统的标度使用方法,并对评估系统实施的相关工作给出一定的建议。

    It also detailedly discussed the usage of the scale , giving some suggestion related to assessment system implementing .

  8. 并对农业、工业和服务型城市的地域空间特征进行了论述。文中还对中国城市密集区的城市地域类型进行了实证研究。

    Discuss regional spatial characters of agriculture-city , industrial city and service city , and research urban region types in China .

  9. 本文从时代的思想学术倾向出发,论述了文人士大夫的个体自我觉醒。

    Starting from the ideological academic trend of the times , this article discusses the individual self-awakening of the scholars and scholer-officials .

  10. 论述了文东油田气举管柱设计方法、井下工具、气举井工况诊断方法及现场工况参数调整等技术的优化方法。

    It includes mainly optimization technology in gas lift column design optimization of downhole tools diagnostic method of working condition in gas lift well and adjustable optimization technology of status parameters on site .

  11. 刘勰在《文心雕龙》中设有《原道》篇,更加明确地论述了文以明道的问题,强调文是用来阐明道的。

    The author in liu xie " wen-xin-diao-long " with the original word in the book of more clearly , discussed in the problem , emphasize the Wen is used to illustrate the Dao .

  12. 依据华文学校所教的教材与教学法,针对学习者的汉语语音、词汇、语法、汉字有效的汉语教学,论述华文学校教学所需要的更改以及对汉语教学提出策略。

    Chinese schools teach according to the teaching materials and teaching methods , For learners of Chinese phonetics , vocabulary , grammar , Chinese characters and effective teaching , Chinese language teaching discussed the changes needed and propose strategies for Chinese language teaching .

  13. 文言文教材使用问题研究中,将分三个小节分别论述文言文教材挖掘中的古汉语倾向问题、文言文争议问题以及课程资源的开发问题。

    In the progress of Ancient Chinese teaching materials in the study will be divided into three parts , respectively discusses the writings in Ancient Chinese teaching materials mining of the ancient Chinese tendency problems . On the attitude and the methods of the controversial issues and curriculum resource development .

  14. 第二节论述批评诸文体内在的统一。

    Section II discusses the criticism of various stylistic inner unity .

  15. 第二章论述了隋文发展演变的过程。

    . Sui chapter discusses the evolution of the process of prose .

  16. 第三,从文学精神层面,论述北美华文网络文学带来的三种新精神的表现及内涵。

    Thirdly , the spiritual literature , discusses the North American Chinese Internet has brought three new spirit of literature .

  17. 通过全文的理论与案例相结合的论述,对文前提出的问题的出结论。

    Through the full text of the case of a combination of theory and exposition of the text out of the question before the conclusion .

  18. 文章主要分为四章展开论述,行文也是基本按照创作情况总体概述、创作分期、思想内容、艺术特色这样的顺序安排。

    The paper was divided into four chapters , wrote basically according to his writing affairs , arranged in the order of entire summary , writing period , thinking content , artistic style .

  19. 并通过对少君和图雅等文学个案研究,论述北美华文网络文学两个总体特征:精英情结的大众写作,终极关怀的自由涂鸦。

    And Shao Jun and Tuya through case studies such as literature , discusses the North American Chinese Internet literature two general characteristics : the elite and popular writing complex , the ultimate concern of the Liberal graffiti .

  20. 本文论述的是应用文与感情、文采的关系。

    This paper discussed applied writings and literary talent .

  21. 第二章论述《时与文》对中间路线的讨论。

    The second chapter discuss the middle route .

  22. 第二章主要论述了高中记叙文写作教学现状、存在问题及原因。

    The second chapter mainly discusses the high school narrative writing teaching present situation , the existence question and the reason .

  23. 本文论述了教师在文检课授课中设疑提问的具体时机和细节,以及激发学生提问的具体措施,并讨论了基于网络平台提问的方式。

    In the paper , we discuss in length chances and detailed measures of questioning in document retrieval teaching processes as well as questioning methods on the web .

  24. 本文论述了现代应用文写作发展的几种基本趋势,如多语化、主体内容经济化、写作格式规范化等,并说明了现代应用文写作的重要社会作用。

    The author expounds some developing trend of modern practical writing , such as using several languages , be economic in main content , be standardized in writing form , and explains its important social function .

  25. 本章首先探讨了潘岳哀诔文的主题类型、风格特征,然后对潘岳哀诔文的创作时间进行了考证,最后论述了潘岳诔文的创作观及其对前代文学的继承与发展。

    This chapter first discusses the Pan sad eulogy text of the topic type , style , and then the Pan sorrow Memorial Essays creation time to research , and finally discusses the inheritance and development of the concept of the creation of the Pan Memorial Essays previous generation literature .