
  • 网络On Free Will;Diatribe de Libero Arbitrio;freedom of will;Discussion concerning Free Will
  1. 就像宿命论和自由意志这两种概念一样水火不兼容。

    As irreconcilable as the notions of predestination and free will .

  2. 所谓刚性决定论否定自由意志,而与其相对的意志自由论则认为,决定论是站不住脚的。

    The position known as hard-determinism rejects free will whereas its opposite counterpart , libertarianism asserts that determinism is false .

  3. 对于独立于先前的心理和生理条件的、非决定论的自由意志是否存在这一核心问题,已有证据与论证对自由意志论者似乎更加不利。

    As to the central issue ' whether there exists the free will which is independent of proceeding psychological and physiological conditions , or undeterministic ', the libertarians seem to be disadvantaged .

  4. 尽管如此,无论该含义的自由意志是否存在的争论结果是什么,至少独立于外部限制却依赖于行动者内部动机和目标的、自我决定论的自由意志是存在的。

    Nevertheless , no matter what the above disputing result implies , at least the free will that is independent of outer limitations but dependent on inner motives and goals of agent , self-deterministic does exist . 2 .

  5. 柔性决定论声称,自由意志与决定论两者可以并存。

    Soft-determinists claim that free will and determinism are compatible .