
  • 网络cham;Charmed;GrantChum;Altrincham
  1. 总是会存在这样的问题:当地人如何理解澳门的成功?外部世界又如何看待澳门的成功?瑞士银行(UBS)驻香港的大企业集团研究负责人格兰特•查姆(GrantChum)补充说。

    There was always going to be this issue of how the locals perceive Macao 's success and how the outside world perceives Macao 's success , adds Grant Chum , head of conglomerates research with UBS in Hong Kong .

  2. 密查姆,开车快吗,密查姆

    Edward what ? Meacham . You drive fast , Meacham ?

  3. 就个人而言,我对你没意见,密查姆

    Look , I have nothing against you personally , Meechum ,

  4. 你去我家,让密查姆给你开门

    You go back to mine , have Meechum let you in .

  5. 迪尔脸红了,查姆要我住嘴。

    Dill blushed and Jem told me to hush .

  6. 抱歉,祝你好运,密查姆

    I 'm sorry . I wish you all the best , Meechum .

  7. 有件事我们得说清楚,密查姆

    Let 's get one thing straight , Meacham .

  8. 我们为密查姆做点事吧

    Let 's do something about Meechum .

  9. 最浪费的日子是没有笑声的日子。&塞巴斯蒂安。查姆福特。

    The most wasted day of all is that during which we have not laughed . & Sebastian R.N.Chamfort .

  10. 查姆的小旅馆及持续的传统小酒店,在意大利的时间已经容纳众多的意大利及国际人士。

    The small hotel & Charme continuous the tradition of small Italian hotel that in the time has accommodated numerous Italian and International personages .

  11. 《勒俄特依》、《梅葛》、《查姆》、《阿细的先基》和《天地祖先歌》是彝族地区五部很有代表性的史诗作品。

    Hnewo Teyy , Migu , Chamu , Axi Xijjie and Ancestral Song of the Heaven and Earth are the five masterpieces of most popular epics among the Yi people .

  12. 《梅葛》作为活形态的史诗,《查姆》作为彝文典籍而保存,它们在各自的文化生态环境中产生和传承,其传承方式和面临的危机又有些许不同。

    As the " Meige " is a " living form " of the epic and the " Chamu " as Yi classics and saved . They had generated and transmitted in their own cultural and ecological environment .

  13. 这样的忠心也意味着如果有人想要加害于弗兰克——而弗兰克在这两季中确实树敌不少——密查姆很有可能会为他挡子弹。

    That dedication means that if someone tries to take a shot at Frank - and he has made many enemies over the course of the series - there 's a good chance Meechum will take the bullet .

  14. 这部分对《查姆》中阴阳五行观念的起源和运用进行了梳理,并提出眼睛人形象源于阴阳符号的新观点。

    It makes a conclusion of the origin and usages of the thinking of yin yang and five elements of Cha Mu . And it gives a new diea of shaped eye people that origin from the symbol of yin yang .