
  • 网络chattanooga;Chattanooga,TN;CHA
  1. 大众汽车(VolkswagenAG)开始提高田纳西州查塔努加(Chattanooga)一家新建工厂的产量。

    Volkswagen AG is ramping up production at a new plant in Chattanooga , Tenn.

  2. 例如,田纳西州刚刚透露,同意为德国汽车制造商大众(Volkswagen)在查塔努加投资10亿美元的工厂提供5.77亿美元的激励。

    Tennessee , for instance , just disclosed that it agreed to give German carmaker Volkswagen $ 577m in incentives for its $ 1bn plant in Chattanooga .

  3. 一位著名的上校帮助田纳西州,查塔努加修复坑洼,这项工作得以进行归功于KFC餐厅的捐助。

    And a famous Colonel helped the City of Chattanooga , Tennessee to fix potholes . The work 's been done thanks to a donation from KFC restaurants .

  4. 去年,田纳西大学查塔努加校区(UniversityofTennessee-Chattanooga)的学生科里·莫克(CoreyMock)被一个女人指控性骚扰,他无法证明自己获得了原告的口头同意,所以校方判定他进行不当性行为,将他开除。

    Last year , Corey Mock , a student at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga , was expelled after officials there found him guilty of sexual misconduct because he could not prove he had obtained verbal consent from a woman who accused him of sexual assault .

  5. 最近,大众汽车(volkswagen)在田纳西州查塔努加的新工厂招聘了2000名蓝领工人,起薪全部是每小时14.5美元(折合年收入约3万美元,远低于美国平均收入)。

    Most recently , Volkswagen has hired all 2000 blue collar workers at a new facility in Chattanooga , Tennessee at a starting pay of $ 14.50 an hour ( which , at about $ 30000 a year is well below us median income . )

  6. 他们从星期二开始在查塔努加举行全国代表大会。

    They hold a national convention in Charlotte North Carolina beginning Tuesday .

  7. 在这一套纪念瓶的查塔努加可口可乐装瓶公司100周年。

    The bottle in this set commemorates the100th anniversary of the Chattanooga COCA-COLA bottling company .

  8. 带领部队由查塔努加一路攻至亚特兰大的将领名叫威廉·谢尔曼

    The man who will lead the charge from Chattanooga to Atlanta , William Sherman .

  9. 查塔努加是四座得到捐款的城市之一。

    Chattanooga is one of four cities to receive donations for the repairs but there is a catch .

  10. 去年,我们的城市查塔努加接待了30位来自重庆的政府官员。

    Last year ( 2004 ) we had 30 mayors from the Chongqing area in my city of Chattanooga .

  11. 美国内战时:查塔努加战役开始了&在尤利塞斯S·格兰特的帅领下的联军增援在查塔加和田纳西的军团,并向盟军发起反攻。

    1863-American Civil War : Battle of Chattanooga begins-Union forces led by General Ulysses S.Grant reinforce troops at Chattanooga , Tennessee and counter-attack Confederate troops .

  12. 同时,恐怖威胁的方式也在变化,我们见证了从波士顿到查塔努加,从圣贝纳迪诺到奥兰多这些悲剧。

    At the same time , the terrorist threat has evolved , as we 've seen so tragically from Boston to Chattanooga , from San Bernardino to Orlando .

  13. 全美汽车工人联合会及一些德国领先的劳动团体签署了意向书,双方将合作组织大众汽车位于田纳西州查塔努加的装配工厂。

    United Auto Worker union and a couple of top labor German groups have signed a letter of intent to work jointly to organize Volkswagen assembling plant in Chattanooga , Tennessee .

  14. 虽然月亮饼是在田纳西的查塔努加做的,但是莫比尔与它之间的美丽情缘却可以追溯到1956年。那时候,莫比尔人会在四月斋前的狂欢节上互相投掷这种包着软糖的点心。

    Though moon pies are made in Chattanooga , Tennessee , Mobile has had a love affair with the marshmallow-filled treats since they were first thrown in Mardi Gras celebrations in 1956 .

  15. 美国内战1863,美国内战时:查塔努加战役开始了--在尤利塞斯S·格兰特的帅领下的联军增援在查塔加和田纳西的军团,并向盟军发起反攻。

    American Civil War 1863 - American Civil War : Battle of Chattanooga begins - Union forces led by General Ulysses S. Grant reinforce troops at Chattanooga , Tennessee and counter-attack Confederate troops .

  16. 南北的将领们在这里上演了夏洛、维克斯堡、查塔努加、亚特兰大等一幕幕永载史册的经典战役。最后,从军事思想方面来看,总体战的兴起与发展无疑引领了时代的潮流。

    The north and south generals performed classical battles such as Shiloh , Vicksburg , Chattanooga , Atlanta . Finally , from aspec of the military thinking , with the general war being on the rise developing the tidal current having guided times .