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  • 网络CHARLES;Challis
  1. 查理斯·C·博伊考特看来是因为其强烈的责任感而成为一个家喻户晓的词。

    Charles C.Boycott seems to have been forced by his strong sense of duty into becoming a household word .

  2. 1881年7月2日,加菲尔德总统前往了威廉斯学院,他将在那里发表演讲。当他走向华盛顿火车站时,刺客,查理斯·J·吉托向他开了两枪,加菲尔德身负重伤。

    On July 2 , 1881 , President Garfield was on his way to Williams College , where he was due to make a speech.As he walked through a Washington railway station , he was shot twice by an assassin , Charles J. Guiteau and mortally wounded .

  3. 首届划船比赛于1829年在牛津郡泰晤士河的亨利街(Henley)举行。这个主意来自剑桥学生查理斯?梅里瓦尔和他同样来自哈罗区的牛津大学的同学查理斯?沃兹沃斯(诗人威廉的侄子)。

    The first boat race took place in 1829 on the River Thames at Henley in Oxfordshire and was the culmination of an idea of Charles Merivale , a Cambridge student , and his Harrow schoolmate Charles Wordsworth ( nephew of poet William ), at Oxford .

  4. 据说查理斯国王对其非常喜欢。

    It is said that King Charles enjoyed that very much .

  5. 约翰或查理斯卫斯理的或卫理公会的或与之相关的。

    Of or relating to John or Charles Wesley or to methodism .

  6. 在音乐会上,查理斯演唱,保罗伴奏。

    At the concert , Charles sang and Paul played .

  7. 查理斯怕羞,不会主动结交朋友。

    Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in make acquaintance .

  8. 用戴安娜王妃跟查理斯王子的订婚为例来说。

    Princess diana 's engagement to Prince Charles gives us a suitable example .

  9. 要多久查理斯王子才会加冕成国王?

    How long will it be before Prince Charles is crowned king ? gang

  10. 查理斯在监狱里生活了两年,现在刑满被放出来了。

    Charles has been released from jail , where he lived for two years .

  11. 还有查理斯洛根可疑的假设。

    And the questionable assumption of Charles logan .

  12. 查理斯想见见你,和你谈谈投资计划。

    Charles want to see you , and talk to you about investment plans .

  13. 在音乐会上,查理斯领唱,鲍尔用钢琴伴奏。

    At the concert , Charles led the singing and Paul played the piano .

  14. 搭圣查理斯线到拿破仑街。

    Take the St. Charles line to Napoleon .

  15. 查理斯,请原谅,我刚才是一时的糊涂。

    Please forgive me , charles . I 've lost my senses just now .

  16. 查理斯。巴贝奇发明分析机。

    Analytical engine by Charles babbage .

  17. 他们就这样吃了早饭,查理斯。思特里克兰德同尼柯尔斯船长也就这样交上了朋友。

    So they had breakfast , and so began the queer companionship of Charles Strickland and Captain Nichols .

  18. 五十年前的春天,在依阿华州查理斯市的花园一起栽下苤蓝菜。

    Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City , Iowa .

  19. 根据前内阁同僚查理斯。克拉克,布朗的“一特大劣势”是。

    According to Charles Clarke , a former Cabinet colleague , Mr Brown 's " massive weakness " is .

  20. 关于查理斯。思特里克兰德的文章既已写了这么多,看来我似乎没有必要再多费笔墨了。

    When so much has been written about Charles Strickland , it may seem unnecessary that I should write more .

  21. 查理斯•迈金利我只不过是太想家了,我想是时候回家去待几天了。

    CHARLES MCKINLEY I was just homesick and it was time for me to come home for a little while .

  22. 国际扶轮前社长查理斯?凯勒在晚餐庆祝扶轮的和平计画的影响时起立鼓掌。

    Past RI President Charles C. Keller gives a standing ovation at dinner celebrating the impact of Rotary 's peace programs .

  23. 根据某人结交的朋友便能判断其人了。查理斯怕羞,不会主动结交朋友

    People are judged by the company they keep . Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in making acquaintance

  24. 泰勒先生现在正在写一点儿东西,关于亲爱的查理斯的。他特地来我这里看看我能不能帮他的忙。

    He 's writing something about dear Charlie , and he 's come to ask me if I can help him .

  25. 船坞街戏院位于南卡罗来纳州查理斯敦的市中心,它也许是该市最多人拍摄的单一景点。

    The Dock Street Theater in downtown Charleston , South Carolina , may be the single most photographed spot in the city .

  26. 在工作了整个周末之后本已疲惫不堪的查理斯在星期一早上又像往常一样去坐公车上班。

    Although feeling terribly jaded after working all weekend , on Monday Charles still got up as usual to catch the bus at rush hour .

  27. 当然了,有时候也实在让人讨厌,但是我总觉得,有人来了解查理斯的情况,我是应该尽量把我知道的提供给人家的。

    Of course it 's a nuisance sometimes , but I feel it 's only right to give people any information I can about Charlie .

  28. 由于查理斯特别尊敬我的父亲,因而他卖的钱比实际要价低。

    Owing to the fact that cha Lisi especially respects my father , thus the money that he sells is lower than really asking a price .

  29. 女王、爱丁堡公爵、查理斯王子、卡米拉和哈里王子坐在前排。

    The Queen , accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh , Prince Charles , the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry will sit in the front row .

  30. 查理斯·“查理”·卓别林爵士生活在咆哮的二十年代,他最为人所知的大概就是他所主演的喜剧电影,而关于他的故事却不得不讲。

    Sir Charles " Charlie " Chaplin is perhaps best known for his comedic films of the Roaring Twenties , and he certainly has tales to tell .