
  • 网络chalcone;chalcones;CHS
  1. 在此基础上,对所合成的查耳酮、黄酮类化合物进行了体外抗肿瘤活性的初筛,用MTT法测试其抑制率,并以此计算出IC(50)值。

    The IC_ ( 50 ) values of the target chalcone and flavone derivatives were determined in vitro against human cancer cell lines by the microculture tetrazolium assay .

  2. 合成了一系列的查耳酮衍生物,系统地测量了其SHG(二次谐波产生)效率和截止吸收波长,并用CNDO/SCI方法计算了它们的二阶非线性光学系数β值。

    A series of chalcone derivatives , were synthesized and a systematic measurement was carried out on their second harmonic generation ( SHG ) and the cutoff wavelengths . Their secondorder nonlinear optical polarizabilities β were also calculated by CNDO / SCI method .

  3. HPLC测定龙血竭胶囊中二氢查耳酮(龙血素A)的含量

    Determination of dihydrochalcone ( Loureirin A ) in Dragon 's Blood Capsules by HPLC

  4. 几种查耳酮冠醚衍生物的PVC膜钾离子选择电极的研究

    Potassium Ion Selective PVC Membrane Electrodes Based on Chalcones Crown Ethers as Carrier

  5. 实验部分主要包括三部分:(1)来源于天然产物酒石酸和乳酸的CIL的合成,以及其作为手性溶剂在查耳酮和丙二酸二乙酯的不对称Michael加成中的应用。

    While in the experiment section , we described three parts : ( 1 ) synthesis of new chiral ionic liquids from natural acids and their applications in enantioselective Michael addition .

  6. 超声辐射下,氧化铝固载氟化钾催化的芳醛与苯乙酮的Claisen-Schmidt缩合在无水乙醇中于30~45℃进行,查耳酮的收率为26%~93%。

    Claisen-Schmidt condensation of acetophenone with aromatic aldehydes catalyzed by KF / Al 2O 3 in ethanol at 30 ~ 45 ℃ results chalcones in 26 % ~ 93 % yields under ultrasound irradiation .

  7. 肉桂中查耳酮的类似胰岛素作用

    The similar function as insulin of the chalcone in Cortex cinnamomi

  8. 查耳酮衍生物的二阶非线性光学性质研究

    Study on Second Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Chalcone Derivatives

  9. 常温制备抗菌不锈钢的研究查耳酮的制备Ⅱ氯苯制造的研究

    Study on antibacterial stainless steel preparation at normal temperature

  10. 手性β-羟基胺在苯硫酚与查耳酮加成反应中的不对称催化作用

    Asymmetric Addition of Thiophenol to Chalcone Catalyzed by Chiral β - Hydroxy Amines

  11. 硝基甲烷和取代查耳酮的迈克尔固相加成反应

    The solid phase Michael addition of chalcones with nitromethane

  12. 取代查耳酮肟电化学氧化机理的研究

    Study on the Electrochemical Oxidation of Substituted Chalcone Oximes

  13. 二甲氨基查耳酮修饰的β-环糊精在不同溶剂中的光物理行为

    Photo-physical Behavior of Modified β - Cyclodextrin by Dimethylamino Chalcone in Different Solvents

  14. 肿瘤的化学治疗ⅩⅧ.若干取代查耳酮的制备

    Tumour chemotherapy ⅹⅷ . preparation of several substituted chalcones

  15. 目的绿色经济地合成查耳酮衍生物。

    Objective To synthesize green economical chalcone derivatives .

  16. 无溶剂快速合成查耳酮

    A rapid synthesis of chalcones without solvent

  17. 诱导子对水母雪莲次生代谢的影响及雪莲查耳酮合成酶基因克隆

    Effect of Elicitors on Secondary Metabolism and Molecular Cloning of Chalcone Synthase Gene in Saussurea Medusa

  18. 著者合成了一系列氟取代查耳酮衍生物,并提供各种生理活性筛选以评估其抗发炎活性。

    A series of fluoro derivatives of chalcone was synthesized and evaluated for their antiinflammatory activity by several screening assay .

  19. 这归功于香料的活性成分――甲羟查耳酮聚合物,它们使细胞代谢糖的能力提高了20倍。

    Credit the spice 's active ingredients , methylhydroxychalcone polymers , which increase your cells'ability to metabolize sugar by up to20 times .

  20. 本工作合成了几种具有强电子给体和不同拉电子能力基团的查耳酮衍生物;

    In this work , several chalcone derivatives which contained strong electron donor moiety and different groups with various electron withdrawing ability were synthesized .

  21. 类黄酮是植物生长过程中生成的一类次生代谢产物,包括异黄酮、黄酮、查耳酮、花青素等具有生物活性的物质。

    Flavonoids are one kind of secondary metabolites forming during the growth and development of plants , including isoflavone , flavone , chalcone , anthocyanidin .

  22. 方法以苯甲醛衍生物和苯乙酮为原料,弱碱碳酸钾为催化剂,水为溶剂,用相转移催化法合成查耳酮衍生物。

    Methods Chalcone derivatives were synthesized from benzaldehyde derivatives and acetophenone by using weak alkali potassium carbonate as based catalyst in water via phase - transfer catalysis .