
chá zhǎo biǎo
  • lookup table;LUT
  1. FPGA高性能查找表的设计与实现面部表情三维模式图

    High Performance FPGA LUT Design and Implementation three dimensional pattern of expression

  2. 实验表明,基于查找表的FIR滤波器具有速度快、占用资源少等优点。

    The experiment shows , the more rapid speed and less resource is the advantage of the FIR electric filter based on LUT .

  3. STAGE查找表函数讨论

    Discussion on Look-up Table Function of STAGE

  4. LED数字视频颜色查找表的几种方法及实现

    Several implementation methods of the color look - up table of digital video

  5. 匹配itemstoreID与名称的查找表。

    Lookup table mapping item store IDs to names .

  6. 基于查找表的FIR滤波器设计

    Design of a FIR Electric Filter Based on Look up Table

  7. 基于查找表法的CCD数码相机特征化研究

    Lut-Based Characterization Method Study of CCD Digital Camera

  8. 基于系数查找表的全相位FIR自适应陷波器

    All-phase FIR Adaptive Notch Filter Based on Coefficient Look-up Table

  9. 基于二维查找表结构的SAR原始数据自适应频域压缩算法

    Adaptive Frequency Domain Algorithm for SAR Raw Data Compression Based on Two Dimensions Look-up Table

  10. 通常,为了在C编程中构建快速的函数,只需要简单地创建一个快速查找表,其中保存了所有的结果。

    Often , in order to build fast functions in C programming , you simply create a lookup table of all of the answers .

  11. 右键点击Edit,您会发现查找表只含有一个国家代码US的映射。

    Right-click on Edit and you will find out that the lookup table only contains a mapping for the country code US .

  12. 基于分段查找表的高速FIR滤波器的设计实现

    Design and Implementation of a High Speed FIR Filter Based on Segment Look-Up Table

  13. 采用双体/多体查找表方法,能够有效地减少对FPGA上宝贵的存储器资源的占用,提高资源利用率。

    By the usage of these methods , a lot of memory resource on FPGA can be saved .

  14. C:前面讨论了Gperf将生成查找表。

    C : Gperf generates lookup tables as discussed earlier .

  15. 在阐述算法原理的基础上,分析了利用FPGA特有的查找表结构完成这一运算的方法,从而解决了常系数乘法运算硬件实现的问题;

    Analyse the means of complete the arithmetic through the look up table of FPGA after explain the arithmetic theroy ;

  16. 本文提出将Zhang细化算法与查找表结合的方法对纤维边缘进行细化。

    The combination of Zhang thinning algorithm and the lookup table is proposed for the thinning of fiber edges .

  17. 用查找表搜索匹配方法标定CRT

    Calibrate CRT using searching matching method in look up table

  18. 并讨论了两种为RAM查找表编码的方法。

    Based on the hardware , two kinds of encoding methods for RAM look-up-table are discussed .

  19. 为了在普通PC机上实现计算机断层扫描(CT)快速重建,提出了利用查找表和极坐标反投影快速重建方法。

    In order to realize CT fast reconstruction on an ordinary PC , a fast reconstruction process using look-up table and polar coordinate back-projection was presented .

  20. 为了将其他国家代码,例如DE和德国映射起来,可以使用您的国家映射来扩展查找表。

    To map other country codes such as DE for Germany , enhance the lookup table with your country mapping .

  21. 校正数据作成查找表,存入FLASHEPROM。

    The correction datas form the loop-up table and are stored into the flash EPROM .

  22. 基于ROM查找表法和CORDIC算法,本设计提出了一种改进结构。

    A new method based on the CORDIC algorithm was introduced .

  23. 使用查找表加解密算法进行数据加解密,并用RS纠错编解码技术进行数据恢复。

    The look-up table method is used in encryption and decryption phase , and Reed-Solomon is used to recovery the data .

  24. 提出了一种基于分段查找表的高速FIR滤波器的实现结构,该结构可应用于任意阶数的高速FIR滤波器设计中。

    A new structure of high speed finite impulse response ( FIR ) filter based on segment look-up table is presented .

  25. 解决这个问题的一种方法是通过引用一个查找表来限制URI。

    One way to address this problem is to limit URIs is to reference a lookup table .

  26. 该系统采用三角形测量原理实现三维精确定位,利用FPGA丰富的查找表结构完成算法。

    The system uses the triangle survey principle to realize three dimensional positioning and uses the rich lookup table structure of FPGA to complete the algorithm .

  27. 针对HY-1ACCD数据处理的瑞利查找表

    Rayleigh Lookup Tables for HY-1A CCD Data Processing

  28. 可用于HDTV解码器的基于ROM查找表的IDCT电路大规模集成电路实现

    LSI Implementation of ROM Look-up Table Based Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform for HDTV Decoder

  29. 对几种常用交织器的实现方法进行比较,采用固定交织方法,以奇偶交织为基础,提出螺旋奇偶交织方案,在FPGA上用查找表的方法实现了螺旋奇偶交织器的设计。

    The available interleaving methods were compared and the odd-even helix interleave was presented based on fixed interleaving . The helix odd-even interleaver was implemented with FPGA .

  30. G:该选项将生成查找表并将其作为静态全局变量,而不是在查找函数内生成以隐藏该表(默认行为)。

    G : This option generates the lookup table as a static global variable rather than hiding it by generating it inside the lookup function ( the default behavior ) .