
  1. 谈杜甫的论画诗

    Du Fu 's poems on paintings

  2. 顾恺之的著作《论画》是谈论绘画技巧的杰出之作。

    His work , On the Art of Painting , was a masterpiece on painting techniques .

  3. 余光中论画或画家的文章,无论是量还是质,都相当可观,不应被忽视。

    Yu Guang-zhong 's research papers on painting or painters are considerable in both quality and quantity , so they should not be ignored .

  4. 著“万一鹏山水画说”一书,除收录了万一鹏的作品外,更有很多论画细节及绘画的专题讨论;

    Published Theories of Chinese Landscape Painting which includes not only Van 's paintings but also some essays about the theory and practice of Chinese painting .

  5. 在我国自古就有以诗学论画的传统,本文的撰写也是对这一传统的继承与发展。

    It succeeds the tradition to use poetics to study the painting in ancient China . This paper is the inheritance and the development of this tradition .

  6. 东晋顾恺之在《论画》里提出了真实地表现对象的要求:不是只要求外表、动作、姿态等外形相似;

    In the Eastern Jin Dynasty Gu Kaizhi " On painting " Lane made a real target performance requirements : not only for appearance , movement , gesture , shape similar ;

  7. 但这四格论画一直是有争议的,最终焦点落实在逸品与神品哪个为高的争议中。

    But these four terms have been controversial , leading to the final focus on ' detached ' and ' divine ' with the question of which one was more superior than the other .

  8. 论中国画空白的精神意蕴

    On the spirit meaning of blank space in traditional Chinese paintings

  9. 论中国画墨点的表现功能及其运用

    Expressive functions of dots in Chinese painting and its application

  10. 论中国画的审美理念对现代青花的影响

    Influence of Chinese painting aesthetic ideas to modern blue and white porcelain

  11. 论中国画之艺术精神及个性特征

    On the art spirit and specific characters of Chinese paintings

  12. 论中国画意境审美的动态

    On Trends of Aesthetic Appreciation of Artistic Conception of Chinese Traditional Painting

  13. 论中国画与艺术设计教育的关系

    On the Relationship between Chinese Paintings and the Education of Artistic Design

  14. 论中国画色彩之变的必然性

    On the Inevitability of the Variation of Colors-mixing Techniques in Chinese Painting

  15. 论山水画山体裸露的原因

    Reasons to the Naked Mountains in the Scenery Painting

  16. 论工笔画与水墨画的审美差异

    On the Aesthetic Differences between Ink and Wash Painting and Fine Brushwork Painting

  17. 神与物游,物我两忘&论中国画的意像创造

    On the Creation of Imagery in Traditional Chinese Paintings

  18. 论中国画的随类赋彩

    On Following Different Type to Color in Chinese Painting

  19. 论中国画的用笔与气韵生动

    Discuss the writing and tene of traditional Chinese Painting

  20. 论中国画专业方向的书法课程改革

    On calligraphic course for reform of Chinese painting speciality

  21. 略论装饰画的构图及形象设计

    About the Composition and Image Design in Decorating Paintings

  22. 论董其昌画学的心学色彩

    New Confucianism in the Painting Theory of DONG Qi-chang

  23. 跨越屏障&论中国画的继承与创新

    Over the Barrier & On the inheritance and creation of the traditional Chinese painting

  24. 论中国画的立意特点

    Discuss on the Conception Feature of Chinese Painting

  25. 论中国画新材料与民族审美的融合

    On the Harmonious Combination of New Material of the Chinese Painting & National Aesthetics

  26. 论水墨画当代观念与思考

    Contemporary concepts in ink painting and related thoughts

  27. 论界画的发展和消亡

    Discussing the development and disappearance of boundary painting

  28. 论山水画空间图式的演变

    On the Evolution of Landscape Space Patterns

  29. 论中国画的空间结构

    On the Spacial Structure of Chinese Paintings

  30. 略论中国画线描艺术

    The Art of Sketch in Chinese Painting