
  • 网络literature;literary study;literary scholarship
  1. 文学研究中的全球视野与本土意识

    On Global Vision and " Native Sense " in Literary Study

  2. 张之洞与文学研究法

    Zhang Zhi-dong and the " Methods of Literary Study "

  3. 近年来,把语言学理论应用到文学研究的趋势日益明显,以Freeman为代表的认知诗学框架也经常被用于诗歌的解读。

    There is a trend to apply cognitive linguistic theory to analyze literary texts , especially cognitive poetics represented by Freeman , who applied cognitive theories to the interpretation of poetry .

  4. 我国比较文学研究现状

    The Present Condition of the Studies on Comparative Literature in China

  5. 靖西侬智高传说的美学内涵&靖西民间文学研究之二

    Aesthetical Value in Folk Legends of NONG Zhi-gao in Jingxi County

  6. 关于比较文学研究的九个命题和三条建议

    Nine Theses and Three Suggestions concerning the Comparative Study of Literature

  7. 文学研究:从女性到性别&中国现当代文学与性别学术研讨会述要

    A summary of the academic symposium on Chinese modern literature and sex

  8. 新世纪古典文学研究走向的思考

    The Directions of the Classical Chinese Literature Studies in the New Century

  9. 现代性建构:被忽视的途径&重识文学研究会与鸳鸯蝴蝶派的论争

    The Controversy between Literature Research Society and Mandarin Duck & Butterfly School

  10. 谈梁启超文学研究中的情感特质

    On the Emotion Particularity of Liang Qichao Study on Literature

  11. 话语类型与实践&1950-1990年代的中国现代文学研究

    Pattern and Practice of Discourse-1950s-1990s Research of Modern Chinese Literature

  12. 文学研究工作者必须具备全球视野与本土意识。

    Literary researchers must have global vision and native sense as well .

  13. 语类的概念最早起源于传统的文学研究著作。

    The concept of genre originates from works in traditional literary studies .

  14. 近20年来我国翻译文学研究述评

    Retrospective on National Literature Translation for the Past 20 years

  15. 建构、借鉴与超越&建国以来云南少数民族民间文学研究回顾

    A Summary of the Folk Literature Studies of Yunnan Minorities since 1949

  16. 蒙元时期丝绸之路汉语言文学研究

    The Study of Chinese Literature of the Silk Road in Yuan Dynasty

  17. 20世纪朱熹文学研究述评

    Research on Zhu Xi 's Literature in the Twentieth Century

  18. 全球化、文化研究和中西比较文学研究

    Globalization , Cultural Studies and Chinese-Western comparative literature studies

  19. 游国恩与中国古代文学研究

    You Guo-en and His Study of Classical Chinese Literature

  20. 但历来的文学研究者对它都没有足够的重视。

    But this subject hasn 't been paid enough attention by the researchers .

  21. 文学研究与教育是否该有标准答案

    Whether There Should Be " Standard Answer " for Literature Study and Education

  22. 郭沫若文学研究五十年

    Retrospect on Studies of Guo Mo-ruo ' Writings in the Past Fifty Years

  23. 欧洲中国现当代文学研究之分析

    An Analysis of European Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature

  24. 江南文化与唐代文学研究

    On Culture of Jiangnan and Literture in Tang Dynasty

  25. 胡适与比较的文学研究观

    Hu Shi 's Viewpoint of Comparative Study of Literature

  26. 论中国俄苏文学研究的学术历程

    On the History of Russian-Soviet Literature Studies in China

  27. 外国文学研究与新世纪文化建设

    Foreign Literary Research and New Century Culture Construction

  28. 从主体性到主体间性&多元文化语境中文学研究的受众指向

    FROM SUBJECTIVITY TO INTER-SUBJECTIVITY & Awareness of Audience of Research on Literature in Multiculturalism

  29. 刍议现代性与中国文学研究

    Initiative Commentary on Modernity and Chinese Literature Study

  30. 文学研究中国化的历史选择

    The Historical Choice for the Sinicized Literary Study