
  1. 春秋晚期玉器

    Jade ware of the Late Spring and Autumn Period

  2. 春秋晚期吴越冶炼民俗刍议

    On Smelting Folk Custom of Wu Yue in the Late Spring and Autum Annals

  3. 孔子生活在由奴隶制社会向封建制社会转型的春秋晚期。

    Confucius lived in the late Spring and Autumn period which transit from slave society to feudal society .

  4. 对立统一思想是春秋晚期一种普遍的社会思潮。

    The thought of the unity of opposites was a common social ideological trend in the late days of the Spring-Autumn Period .

  5. 依据出土器物的形制特征,该车马坑的年代应为春秋晚期。

    According to the characteristics of the relics , the date of the pit should be the late Spring and Autumn period .

  6. 春秋晚期,铁器的使用,为青铜器刻纹技术的发展奠定了物质基础。

    During the late Spring and Autumn Period , with the use of ironware , the foundations were laid for the development of bronze engraving techniques .

  7. 通过对冢宰的考察,可以确定《周礼》的成书时代不会早于春秋晚期。

    Through reviewing the Chief Minister , we can ensure that the written time of the " Zhouli " must not be earlier than the late Spring and Autumn Period .

  8. 从俑葬的发展演变看,其滥觞于春秋晚期,战国中期迅猛发展,战国晚期达到鼎盛。

    From the evolution of the figurine burial , it originated in Spring-and-Autumn period , rapidly developed in middle Warring States period , reached its highlight in late Warring States period .

  9. 中国历史上经历了三大黄金时期,春秋晚期到西汉的四百年间是中国历史的第一个黄金时期,也称为大黄金时期。

    The history of China has undergone three major gold periods , the four hundred years that from late spring and Autumn period to the Western Han Dynasty is the first golden period .

  10. 吴楚文化的空域,春秋晚期是淮河中游,五代十国以后是长江下游与长江中游的交接地段&亦即东部与中部在长江流域的交接地段。

    The region of Wu-chu Culture was the middle reach of Huaihe River in the late Spring-autumn period , was the joint of the middle and low reaches of the Changjiang River in Five-Dynasty and Ten-State period .

  11. 神仙思想是先民生命意识觉醒后幻想超越时空限制、获得生命永恒与自由的产物,是中国传统文化世俗精神的反映。春秋晚期长生不死传说的出现,标志着神仙思想的产生。

    The thought on immortal was the product of ancient people 's imagination transcending the limitation of time-space and having an immortal and free life after their consciousness roused and was the reflection over the secular spirit of Chinese traditional culture .

  12. 至春秋中晚期,无范线失蜡法已相当成熟。

    The lost wax technique , without mold join mark , is rather skillful at the middle and later Spring and Autumn Period .

  13. 结合当时的历史地理情况可以看出,鄂东地区在春秋中晚期为楚国东部边境,是楚国与其东邻诸国争战的前沿;

    Taking the historical and geographical condition at that time into consideration , in the middle and late stages of Spring and Autumn Period , east Hubei was the frontier of Chu state and the forward position .

  14. 春秋中晚期发展起来的失蜡法解决了铸造更为复杂的多层次的青铜器问题,把青铜器铸造推向又一个高峰。

    The technique developing in the middle and late phase of Spring and Autumn Periods solved the complex problem which casting a lot of exquisite bronzes , so the technique put the manufacture level to another pinnacle .

  15. 这种装饰作风到春秋中、晚期又有了新的变化,伴随着各种金属细作工艺的发展,出现了工整细密的图案式装饰风格。

    This decorative style had a new change to the late Spring and Autumn Period . Along with the development of various metal technology , a neat and meticulous style of decorative style formed .

  16. 总结各类型甬钟形制变化规律的同时,将其可分为西周中晚期、春秋早期、春秋中期、春秋晚期和战国早期五个大的阶段。

    And its evolution patterns can be divided into five major stages : the middle and late Western Zhou Dynasty , the early Spring and Autumn Period , the middle Spring and Autumn Period , the late Spring and Autumn and early Warring States Period .