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  1. 我和他共事达六年之久。

    I worked with him over a span of six years .

  2. 六年漫长的监狱生活使他变得粗鲁无礼。

    The six long years in prison had coarsened him .

  3. 我们随后移居巴黎,在那里住了六年。

    We then moved to Paris , where we lived for six years .

  4. 我做这项工作,嗯,有六年左右了吧。

    I 've been in this job for , oh , about six years .

  5. 他已经从政六年,但很多人仍把他视为初出茅庐。

    Despite his six years in politics , he was still regarded by many as the new kid on the block .

  6. 他的六年转型计划绝没有彻底失败。

    His six-year transition programme has by no means been a complete failure .

  7. 经过六年的等待,我想找份好工作的希望淡漠了。

    My hope of a better job damped down after six years'waiting .

  8. 她学了六年芭蕾舞。

    She studied ballet for six years .

  9. 我已经花了六年时间写这部书,却毫无获。

    I 've been working on this book for six years , and all for nothing .

  10. (例如,哈佛大学宣称,代表性不足的少数族裔六年来的毕业率为98%。)

    ( Harvard , for example , boasts a six - year graduation rate for underrepresented minority groups of 98 percent . )

  11. 他提出,这一选择是为了避免步加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托市的后尘,在该市,青少年学生过大的压力被认为在过去的六年中引发了大量的自杀事件。

    The alternative , he suggested , was to face the prospect of becoming another Palo Alto , California , where outsize stress on teenage students is believed to have contributed to a number of suicides in the last six years .

  12. 凯文和我小学六年都是同学。

    Kevin and I were classmates for all six years of primary school .

  13. 那男孩就是六年前11岁的我。

    The boy is me , six years ago when I was just 11 .

  14. 杰克对鸟的爱始于六年前他第一次喂鸟。

    Jack 's love for birds started when he made his first birdfeeder about six years ago .

  15. 接着,伊泽比先生解释了赤壁是如何学会发这些声音的——日出时离家上学,日落时回家,六年来每天如此。

    Then Mr Isobe explained how Chibi had learned those calls -- leaving his home for school at sunrise , and arriving home at sunset , every day for six long years .

  16. 其后六年眼痛之症状获得舒缓未再出现

    Under the impression of absolute glaucoma , evisceration was performed .

  17. 安吉拉学了六年芭蕾舞。

    Angela studied ballet for six years .

  18. 大概六年半之后,当我要离开Google的时候,我记住了这句忠告。

    About six and one-half years later , when I was leaving Google , I took that advice to heart .

  19. 她还开发过和教授过六年的RationalRhapsody软件的培训课程。

    She has developed and taught training courses on Rational Rhapsody software over the past six years .

  20. 六年来,iPhone的用户界面一直没有变化,这种情况亟需改变。

    The iPhone user interface is now six years old and badly in need of a refresh .

  21. 六年前,当史蒂夫提升为CEO时,他和我做了一次重大的交接。

    Six years ago , Steve and I made a major transition when he stepped up to be CEO .

  22. 定工作的进度确实十分缓慢,一直到六年前ICMP改采匿名DNA配对后才改善。

    Progress was indeed slow until six years ago , when the ICMP shifted to blind DNA matching .

  23. 昆明地区六年小儿MP肺炎调查与分析

    The investigation and analysis of children with MP pneumonia in Kunming from 1996 to 2001

  24. 六年前,华尔街和伦敦金融城到处弥漫着一种嫉妒高盛(Goldmanenvy)的情绪。

    Six years ago , Wall Street and the City of London were consumed with Goldman envy .

  25. iPhone之前的六年,个人数字助理仍然代表着移动计算的先进技术。

    Six years before the iPhone was introduced , the personal digital assistant represented the vanguard of mobile computing .

  26. BluePrint于六年前创立,当时卖的是一种每天六瓶的化排毒产品,每天花费75美元(约合人民币450元)。

    BluePrint was founded six years ago to sell a six-bottle-a-day-cleanse product that costs $ 75 a day .

  27. 旧金山——苹果公司(Apple)用了六年时间才说服了中国最大的无线运营商中国移动销售iPhone。

    SAN FRANCISCO - It took six years for Apple to persuade China 's largest wireless carrier , China Mobile , to sell the iPhone .

  28. 可能是因为我刚结婚,所以也希望Penny和Leonard的六年爱情长跑能够有个好结果!

    Maybe because I just got married & so come on Penny and Leonard , it 's been six years !

  29. 预计F-35将在六年内服役。

    The jet is expected to come into service over the next six years .

  30. 六年半之后,权威医学杂志《柳叶刀》(lancet)撤销了那份报告,表示对这一发现有“严重的顾虑”。

    Six and a half years later , the prestigious medical journal the lancet retracted the paper , citing ' serious concerns ' about the findings .