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  1. 在奥巴马总统下令美国海豹六队行动,并击毙了拉登后,我们每个人都感到如释重负。

    Every American was relieved the day President Obama gave the order , and Seal Tem Six took out Osama bin Laden .

  2. 星期六法国队迎战威尔士队。

    France are playing against Wales on Saturday .

  3. 本星期六切尔西队要在客场比赛。

    Chelsea are playing away this Saturday .

  4. 星期六切尔西队客场对阵曼联队。

    Chelsea are away to Manchester United on saturday .

  5. 因为本次比赛只有六个队,采用单循环制。

    Since there are six matches is played , so the single round robin system will is adopted .

  6. 通过对′99世界杯赛中国男排与前六名队的前排进攻效果分析比较,目前中国队的前排进攻与世界强队相比差距很大。

    Author describes the frontline attack comparison on Chinese Men 's Volleyball and that of the front six teams .

  7. 如果有六个队或不到六个队参加,采用单循环制。

    If there are six or fewer teams , the single round-robin ( one-round league ) system will be adopted .

  8. 这名荷兰球员将于本星期六在利物浦队中首次亮相。

    The Dutch player will make his first appearance for Liverpool this Saturday .

  9. 尤因将不会参加星期六与利兹队的第三轮交锋。

    Ewing will not be playing in saturday 's third-round clash with leeds .

  10. 威尔金森的表现为他赢得了参加星期六与意大利队比赛的资格。

    Wilkinson 's performance earned him his call-up for saturday 's match against italy .

  11. 星期六,明尼苏达队以80:72击败尤克拉队,成为打人大学生篮球赛前四强的第一支球队。

    Minnesota became the first team to advance to the Collegiate Basketball Final Four when they beat UCLA 80-72 on Saturday .

  12. 印度在世界杯板球半决赛中击败劲敌巴基斯坦,赢得决赛权。将在星期六对阵斯里兰卡队。

    India has won bragging rights over Pakistan after beating its arch-rival on the cricket field and advancing to the World Cup final match against Sri Lanka set for Saturday .

  13. 何赛·穆里尼奥号召队员们尽快把精力从国家队比赛的中撤回来,以饱满的精神状态迎接新的挑战。为了赢得星期六同雷丁队的比赛而蓄势待发。

    Jos é Mourinho has called on his players to put the events of the international break far from their minds if they are to embark on another winning run at Reading this Saturday .

  14. 星期六他们和利物浦队有一场重要比赛。

    They are playing an important match against Liverpool on Saturday .

  15. 一共有六名情报突击队特工在现场。

    There are six ISA operatives on site .

  16. 9月3日星期六今日早晨青年队前往考文垂比赛并1-1握手言和。

    Sat September 3rd The youth team travels up in the morning to Coventry and draws 1-1 .

  17. 因此在这两次漏油事件相隔的六年间,救援队制造了上千个这样通气良好的箱子。

    So in these six years between these two oil spills , they 've built thousands of these well-ventilated boxes .

  18. 当卡西尼继续侦察土卫六时,科学队继续改进它的拍照能力,在于未加工的图象。

    As Cassini continues its reconnoitering flybys of Titan , the imaging science team continues to improve its ability to tease out surface details hidden in the unprocessed images .

  19. 中国防守队员荣昊将球踢出球门线的前六分钟,韩国队的廉基勋受伤退场,错失罚球机会。

    United star Park Ji-Sung , missed the chance of a consolation goal six minutes later when Chinese defender Rong Hao kicked out the ball on the goal line .