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  • royalist
  1. 我知道他是个激烈的保王党。

    I am aware he is a furious royalist ;

  2. 您知道,他知道得多么清楚,记得多么详细呵,因为他始终是一个非常忠实的保王党。

    You are aware that he knows everything , and that he has memories , because he is still a very good royalist .

  3. 安静山侯爵是当时一个大名鼎鼎的保王党。

    The Marquis de Montcalm was at that time a celebrated royalist .

  4. 在国内,保王党人和任何形式的不忠行为将被消灭;

    At home royalists and every form of disloyalty were to be stamped out ;

  5. 方鼎重达875公斤。安静山侯爵是当时一个大名鼎鼎的保王党。

    The whole ding weighs 875 kilograms . The Marquis de Montcalm was at that time a celebrated royalist .

  6. 似乎共和国朝气蓬勃的活力源于屠杀保王党人和处死国王。

    The living spirit of the Republic , it seemed , had sprung from a slaughter of royalists and the execution of the King .

  7. 因为在他的思想里他是和王党同一见解的,他也并不承认他父亲是什么男爵或上校。

    For in his own mind , he agreed with the Restoration , and like it , did not recognize his father 's claim to the title of either colonel or baron .