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  1. 王梵志诗歌有着明显的训世化倾向。

    There is a clear tendency of instruction in the poems by Wang Fanzhi .

  2. 王梵志是唐初的白话诗人,他创作的数百首五言白话诗真实记录了唐代下层民众的生活和心态状况,展示了下层民众的鲜活的时代图景。

    He wrote hundreds of vernacular poems which reflected the lower-class 's life and mentality , and these poems showed the lively picture of Tang dynasty .

  3. 整理和研究王梵志及其作品,一方面可以还原其历史的本来面貌,另一方面也可以为探讨白话诗与唐诗繁荣的关系,以及白话诗歌对我国诗歌发展所创造的历史作用提供资料。

    Arranging and researching his the work , on the one hand we can restore the original visage of history , and on the other hand explore the prosperous relationship between Vernacular poems and Tang poetry .