
  • 网络mannar
  1. 这海湾由马纳尔小岛的延长海岸线所形成。

    It was formed by the long curve of little Mannar Island .

  2. 小艇向马纳尔岛前进,岛南部渐渐扩大。

    The skiff advanced toward Mannar Island , which curved to the south .

  3. 面前摆着地图,我找马纳尔湾。

    With the chart under my eyes , I looked for the Gulf of Mannar .

  4. 马纳尔湾和保克海峡将其与印度次大陆分开。

    It is separated from the Indian subcontinent by the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait .

  5. 在船上,我把我们在马纳尔一带礁石岩脉间旅行所遭遇到的事故细细回想一下。

    There I fell to thinking about the incidents that marked our excursion over the Mannar oysterbank .

  6. 我吩咐船驶到马纳尔湾,夜间我们就可以到达。

    I 'll give orders to make for the Gulf of Mannar , and we 'll arrive there late tonight .

  7. 我不让诺第留斯号很接近海岸,我们是在马纳尔礁石岩脉的远处海上。

    Not yet . I haven 't let the Nautilus pull too near the coast , and we 're fairly well out from the Mannar oysterbank .

  8. 在夜间上溯了锡兰岛西部海岸,现在到了这海口的西边,或不如说,到了马纳尔岛陆地形成的这个海湾的西边。

    Going up Ceylon 's west coast during the night , the Nautilus lay west of the bay , or rather that gulf formed by the mainland and Mannar Island .

  9. 每年三月采珠人才齐集在马纳尔湾,为期整整有三十天,他们的三百只船一齐做这种采取海中珠宝的有利事业。

    Fishermen gather in the Gulf of Mannar only during the month of March , and for thirty days some 300 boats concentrate on the lucrative harvest of these treasures from the sea .

  10. 教授,就这样吧,尼摩船长对我说,您跟您的同伴们一同去参观马纳尔的礁石岩脉,如果有早来的采珠人已经在那里,那我们就看看他们采珍珠。

    On that note , professor , Captain Nemo told me , you and your companions will visit the Mannar oysterbank , and if by chance some eager fisherman arrives early , well , we can watch him at work .