
  • 网络Shah;Miranshah
  1. 不久后,人们告诉他,他们在“毛拉FM”上听到了他的大名,沙赫·道兰出言恐吓他的人身安全。

    Afterwards people told him his name was heard on Mullah FM in a threat from Shah Douran .

  2. 拉斯科夫认识在线零售商Wayfair公司CEO尼拉杰o沙赫,后者最近刚刚提交了上市申请。

    Rascoff knows Niraj Shah , CEO of the online retailer Wayfair , which recently filed documents with regulators for an IPO .

  3. 对于RD投入,本文在安沃沙赫的理论研究的基础上,分析了税收抵免、减低公司所得税率、RD金额列支三种税收优惠方式在我国的实施情况。

    Then , the paper analyzes three kinds of tax preference and their usage in our country , such as tax credit for R D investment , decrease on enterprises income tax rate , and cost confirm of R D investment .

  4. 沙赫先生从1988年开始就在摩根士丹利任职。

    Mr Shah had been at Morgan Stanley since 1988 .

  5. 拉吉夫•沙赫署长负责主持这方面的工作。

    And Administrator Raj Shah is leading our efforts .

  6. 沙赫对欧元区外围成员国也持相当谨慎的态度,但对土耳其感到乐观,因为土耳其的银行业体系和经济表现相当稳健。

    Shah also remains pretty cautious on peripheral Europe , but is bullish on Turkey thanks to the soundness of its banking system and economy .

  7. 与沙赫一样,鲁滨逊也认为,尽管新兴市场拥有更美好的增长前景,但它们的通胀和利率前景远非那么有利。

    Like Shah , Robinson thinks that while emerging markets have better growth prospects , their outlook for inflation and interest rates is far less favourable .

  8. 后来,当我们在另一所学校——我父亲的朋友艾哈迈德•沙赫的学校再次笔试时,人们不再觉得是父亲为我争取到了特殊待遇。

    So people wouldn 't think I was getting special treatment , my father arranged for us to do papers at another school , that of his friend Ahmad Shah .

  9. 经常是由他先讲,接着再由他的副手沙赫.道兰接手。道兰以前骑着三轮车在市场卖零食。

    Usually he spoke for a while , then his deputy Shah Douran came on air , a man who used to sell snacks from a tricycle in the bazaar .

  10. 库尔德人已经跟几个中小型的石油公司签署了大约25个分享石油产出的合同,但是沙赫利斯塔尼说,这些合同不符合2007年伊拉克石油法草案的规定。

    The Kurds have signed about 25 production-sharing contracts with several small and mid-sized oil companies , but Al-Shahristani said they do not meet the conditions of the draft 2007 law .

  11. 紧接着,在2008年的年底,法兹鲁拉的副手毛拉.沙赫.道兰在收音机里宣布,所有的女子学校都必须关闭。他发出警告,从2009年1月15日开始,女孩们不许再上学。

    Then , at the end of 2008 , Fazlullah 's deputy Maulana Shah Dauran announced on the radio that all girls " schools would close . From 15 January girls must not go to school , he warned .

  12. 论文采用统计求和法推导出系统自由能的表达式,利用系统自由能对粒子数取最小值的原理得到计算电离度的沙赫方程。

    In this article , statistical summation method is used to obtain system free energy expression . And the equation to calculate ionization rate is obtained at the base of the principle that the system free energy is the least versus the particle number .