
  • couchsurfing
  1. Rule的全国旅行完全没有任何计划,全部通过陌生人友善的帮助完成,其中还有在蒙塔纳州米苏拉市的一整个沙发客社团。

    Rule 's trip across the country continued like that-completely unplanned , made possible entirely by the kindness of strangers , including an entire CouchSurfing community in Missoula , Montana called Orange Acres .

  2. 我认为做沙发客和人群冲浪其实是一个概念。

    I maintain couchsurfing and crowdsurfing are basically the same thing .

  3. 之后Rule又在Craigslist上遇到一位想要免费出让一张去威斯康星州麦迪逊市的车票,Rule得到了这张车票并继续她的旅程。在威斯康星州里,她遇到了一位沙发客,最终载着她抵达明尼阿波里斯市。

    Soon Rule discovered a woman on Craigslist who was giving away a free bus ticket to Madison , Wisconsin-Rule accepted it and continued her journey , staying in Wisconsin with a couchsurfer who later drove her to Minneapolis .

  4. 一系列的服务设施让这次旅行成为可能:Facebook,Craigslist(资讯黄页网站),Ridejoy(自行车共享服务网站)以及CouchSurfing(沙发客网站)。

    There were a handful of services that made the trip possible : Facebook , Craigslist , Ridejoy ( a ridesharing service ) , and CouchSurfing .

  5. 所以我常常做沙发客。

    So I couchsurf a lot .

  6. 联系其他被邀请者,看看是否有顺风车可以搭,同时,否问问是有机会成为谁的沙发客。

    Connect via Facebook with other invitees and ask for lifts and a space on someone 's floor .

  7. 要是你没什么认识的人,可以在组织沙发客的网站上查查。

    If you don 't know anyone , check any of the many websites which organize couch surfers .

  8. 参加沙发客到平溪踏青并看天灯时我和三个好朋友们一起捕捉镜头。

    Action shot of me with three of my good friends during a CouchSurfing excursion to the Lantern Festival in Pingxi .

  9. 我喜欢这样幸运的、随机的亲近感觉,因为我常常做沙发客。

    And I love this kind of random closeness , which is lucky , because I do a lot of couchsurfing .

  10. 国际租房平台爱彼迎和沙发客就传出少数狡猾房东的骇人事件,导致女性房客蜂拥入住最近酒店的女性专属楼层。

    A minority of horror stories of dodgy Airbnb and Couchsurfing hosts can see women flocking to the nearest female-only floor in a hotel .

  11. 22岁的郑晓(音译)就读于复旦大学法律系大四年级。在武汉时,他便做了一晚的沙发客。

    Zheng Xiao , 22 , a senior majoring in law at Fudan University , found a couch in Wuhan , where he stayed for one night .

  12. 事实上在过去的6周里,23岁的林书豪因为不确定自己是否能够继续留在纽约,一直寄居在哥哥家当沙发客,等待职业生涯中保障合同的出现。

    So for the past six weeks , Lin , 23 , has been sleeping in his brother Joshs living room , waiting for clarity and career security .

  13. 崔琳说她很乐意看到外国人吃麻辣火锅时的反应。同时她也十分愿意倾听这些沙发客和当地人打交道的经历,人们常常会盯着他们看或者冲他们微笑。

    Cui says she has enjoyed watching foreigners ` reactions to spicy hotpot and listening to their experiences with local people , who often stare or smile at them .

  14. 很多网站可以助你一臂之力,你也可以在外出旅行、结交朋友时,向“沙发客”们提供免费留宿你寝室的机会。

    There are a number of websites to help pave the way , and you can offer couchsurfing opportunities in your dormitory as you travel and meet people on the way .

  15. 如果你住不起旅馆(虽然有些旅馆15块钱就能住一晚,有些大城市的旅馆甚至还能再便宜些),可以考虑做沙发客。

    If a hostel is too pricey for you ( though there are many which offer beds at 15 bucks a night or even less in major cities ), couch surfing is a wonderful option .

  16. 如果你不想一个人旅游,那肯定能找到伴儿。你可以在旅馆结识旅伴,可以做沙发客,或在出发前网上报名那种招人一起游览的组团。

    Whether you meet people in your hostel , stay on someone 's couch , or join an online travel group before you go which organizes meetups for people passing through the city , there is never a reason to be alone while traveling if you don 't want to .

  17. 沙发冲浪网会发起交流讨论专区,成员们在此发布个人信息以及对“沙发客”的要求。

    Sessions are organized on couchsurfing . com , where members post profiles about themselves and whom they seek to accommodate or stay with .