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  1. 她的亲戚以利沙伯已经怀孕六个月。

    Also that Elizabeth her cousin is six months pregnant .

  2. 伊利沙伯医院(海水)抽水站

    Queen Elizabeth Hospital ( S.W. ) Pumping Station

  3. 他妻子是亚伦的后人,名叫以利沙伯。

    His wife was a descendant of Aaron , and her name was Elizabeth .

  4. 伊利沙伯中学旧生会小学分校的同学介绍模型中的设施。

    Students from Queen Elizabeth School Old Students ' Association Primary School introduced facilities in their model .

  5. 该名男子被送往伊莉沙伯医院抢救,目前情况危殆。

    The man has been rushed to the Queen Mary Hospital and is presently in critical condition .

  6. 其母名以利沙伯,可能是耶稣之母玛利亚的亲属;其父是祭司撒迦利亚。

    His mother , Elizabeth , was perhaps a relative of Mary ; his father was the priest Zechariah .

  7. 你的妻子伊利沙伯要给你生一个儿子,你要给他起名叫约翰。

    Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son , and you are to give him the name John .

  8. 以利沙伯一听马利亚问安,所怀的胎就在腹里跳动,以利沙伯且被圣灵充满。

    When Elizabeth heard mary 's greeting , the baby leaped in her womb , and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy spirit .

  9. 看1:14,这是关于圣约翰洗者的出生的,他的父亲是祭司撒迦利亚,他的母亲是以利沙伯。

    Look at1: 14.This is talking about the birth of John the Baptist , his father is the priest Zachariah , his mother is Elizabeth .

  10. 当撒迦利亚和以利沙伯的亲友前来庆祝婴孩约翰接受割礼时,他们知道这是一个与众不同的孩子。

    When the family and friends of Zechariah and Elizabeth came to celebrate the circumcision of baby John , they understood that this was a special child .

  11. 你看,你亲戚以利沙伯,被称为不生育的,在老年也怀了男胎,现在已是第六个月了。

    Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age , and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month .

  12. 他为自己创立的卡拉唱片所灌录的《伦敦大提琴之声》,曾于英女皇伊利沙伯二世和爱丁堡公爵面前作现场表演。

    His recording , The London Cello Sound which was recorded under his own label Cala Records , has been performed live for H.M.The Queen ( Elizabeth II ) and H.R.H.

  13. 现时小丑医生队分别到威尔斯亲王医院、屯门医院、玛丽医院、大口环根德公爵夫人儿童医院、广华医院及伊利沙伯医院进行探访。

    They visit the Prince of Wales Hospital , Tuen Mun Hospital , the Queen Mary Hospital , the Duchess of Kent at Sandy Bay Hospital , the Kwong Wah hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital weekly .