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  • 网络Love music;love of music
  1. 东城:我小的时候就很爱音乐。

    Jiro : I 've love music since I was young .

  2. 我们家每个人都爱音乐。

    All my family love music .

  3. 苹果CEO蒂姆o库克只是说他有多么爱音乐。

    All CEO Tim Cook seems to talk about is how much he loves music .

  4. 爱音乐的民族论彝族生活中的音乐

    The music in the life of the Yi nationality Love nationality

  5. 他爱音乐,尤其是古典音乐。

    He loves music , and above all classical music .

  6. 詹米太爱音乐了,我想将来他会在死的时候还在唱歌。

    Jamie loves music so much ; I think he will die singing .

  7. 他爱音乐上拉和是才能。

    He loved to draw and was talented musically .

  8. 懂音乐而且爱音乐的人。

    A man who knows and loves music .

  9. 最爱音乐的耳朵往往会深深地被简单的曲调所吸引。

    The most philharmonic ear is at times deeply affected by a simple air .

  10. 伯纳真是个爱音乐人。

    Bernard is a real music lover .

  11. 我爱音乐,真的。

    I love music , really .

  12. 冷之音:我爱音乐,也爱你们每一个懂得欣赏音乐,追求音乐的人!

    Cool sound : I love music , and every one who knows and seek for music !

  13. 这家人很爱音乐,他们每月都去听一次音乐会。

    The family , who are fond of music , go to the concert once a month .

  14. 爱音乐的那一部分观众又怒吼了起来。艾伦先生对着别一位驾驶员怒骂起来。

    Again interposed some of the audience . Mr Allen gave the other driver a piece of his mind .

  15. 所以我才爱音乐什么哪怕多平淡的场景音乐都能赋予它深厚的意义

    That 's what I love about music . What ? One of the most banal scenes is suddenly invested with so much meaning , you know ?

  16. 布莱娜也说她对违法很抱歉,还补充说:“我爱音乐,也不想伤害那些我喜欢的艺人。”

    Brianna also said she was sorry for breaking the law , adding ," I love music and don 't want to hurt the artists I love . "

  17. 它是在继承中发展,在发展中进步,在进步中不断完善变化的。中国古典小说中的音乐史料极为丰富,对它进行挖掘研究是所有爱音乐的人的责任。

    It has developed through heritage , progressed through development and constantly perfected through progress . There are abundant music historical materials in Chinese Classical Fiction , and it is the duty for those music lovers to excavate and study it .

  18. ps请支持你爱的音乐和正版唱片。

    PS. please support your beloved music and the legal records .

  19. 也许我们拥有许多CD碟或一套很棒的音乐系统但是基本就不会去听自己最爱的音乐。

    We may own dozens of CDs and a great sound system , but virtually never listen to our favorite music .

  20. 我最爱的音乐我最该的音乐是“致爱丽丝”。

    My favorite piece of music is " For Elise " .

  21. 所以这是我最爱的音乐。

    So , it 's my favorite piece of music .

  22. 喜欢文学,爱好听音乐,旅游。

    I enjoy reading , listening to music and travelling .

  23. 我也爱演奏音乐。

    I also love playing music .

  24. 我也会听音乐来获得幸福感,最爱的音乐人是美国歌手乔诗葛洛班。

    I also turn to music to bolster my happiness . Josh Groban is a favorite .

  25. 散步或远足,读一本好书,听你最爱的音乐。

    Go for a walk or a hike , read a great book , listen to your favorite music .

  26. 我是如此地衷爱着音乐以至于我猜想我不能没有它而生活!

    I 'm so keen to music that I even guess I can 't live a life without it !

  27. 关紧门窗,放上最爱的音乐,让你的声音响起来吧!

    Shut the doors and the windows tight , put on your favorite song , and let your voice ring !

  28. 而美是由人创造的,方式多种多样:爱、音乐、艺术、等等等等。

    Beauty comes from people , in a great variety of ways : love , music , art , and much more .

  29. 所以,下次你再参观奶牛场,就不要为奶牛们蜂拥而聚听它们最爱的音乐而感到大惊小怪了。

    So the next time you visit a dairy farm don 't be surprised to see the cattle jamming to their favorite beat .

  30. 陆在易是中国当代乐坛以声乐创作享誉中外的作曲家,被专家评价为“胸怀大爱的音乐诗人”。

    Luzaiyi is a composer of creating with vocal music in china contemporary music field who has great prestige in land and overseas .