
  1. 金州勇士队成为了NBA历史上最快拿下赛季第50胜的球队,比起1995-96赛季的芝加哥公牛队要更快一场。那支球队的战绩是50胜6负。

    The Golden State Warriors is the quickest team to 50 wins in NBA history , one game faster than the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls , who started 50-6 .

  2. 我大老远带来的,快拿着。

    I brought it all the way here just take it .

  3. 托比拜托快拿出来

    Toby , please ! Please take this out right now !

  4. 拿出来,拿出来,快拿出来

    Get it out , get it out , get it out .

  5. 快拿相机去医务室,快!

    Get your camera and run to the medical unit . run !

  6. 这桌子黏死了,快拿块湿布擦擦

    This table is sticky ! Run a damp rag across it !

  7. 是呀是呀,快拿剪刀。

    Oh , yeah , yeah ! Get the scissors .

  8. 你这没有姓名的狗小姐,快拿水去喂马。

    Mademoiselle Dog-lack-name , go and water that horse .

  9. 快拿着你的包出去!

    Take your bag and get out !

  10. 快拿好你的行李

    Ugh get your stuff come on !

  11. 快拿我桌上的手机号!

    On my desk , the number !

  12. 金子在那里,快拿出来!

    Gold in there , come on !

  13. 快拿好帽子,出来玩

    Get your hats and come away

  14. 老船长看见他跑了,就对我说:吉姆,快拿朗姆酒来!

    The captain watched him go , then said ,' Jim , quick ! Bring me rum .

  15. 快跑,快跑,快拿来福枪,开枪射他们,快。

    Go , go ! Go , go , run ! Rifles , get em , come on !

  16. 父亲却吩咐仆人说,把那上好的袍子快拿出来给他穿。把戒指戴在他指头上。把鞋穿在他脚上。

    But the father said to his servants , get out the first robe quickly , and put it on him , and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet .

  17. 快,拿好了,我有些东西要给你。

    Come on , chuck , I got something for you .

  18. 现在该怎么办呢?快去拿胶水吧!

    Go get the glue ! What are we gonna do ?

  19. 天哪,快,拿块抹布来!

    Oh no ! Quick , get a cloth !

  20. “别磨磨蹭蹭的,快去拿短剑。”看守人说。

    " Don 't dally , go get it ," said the custodian .

  21. 店员很快就拿过来了。

    The clerk quickly brought them to her .

  22. 快来拿你的钱!

    Come and get your money then !

  23. 同时你能比他跑的快去拿符和追杀。

    Also you can outrun him to the runes and chase better for a kill .

  24. 特别是如果我能通过人力资源的资格认证,我就快就能拿下这个认证了。

    Especially if I pass the certificate in Human Resources which I 've almost finished .

  25. 快去拿摄相机!

    Somebody get the video camera !

  26. 快去拿水和绷带。

    Water and bandages , fast .

  27. 你快去拿吧

    You should go get it .

  28. 妈妈:哦,亲爱的,快去拿另一条裤子,我会帮你换上新裤子。

    Mom : Oh , dear , go get another pair . I 'll help you change your shorts .

  29. 他把脸盆放满了水,把手一下子放进去,又很快地拿出来,疼得直叫。

    He fills the Basin with water , plunges his hands in , and draws them out again quickly , roaring with pain .

  30. 柔依:我真高兴听到你这么说!现在快去拿报纸吧。我敢说今天报上一定有一些新房子。

    Zoe : I 'm so happy to hear that ! Now go get the newspaper . I bet there are some new houses in it today .