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  1. 师范院校应成为普及天文知识教育的重要阵地。

    Normal universities should become the major positions for the popularization of astronomy education .

  2. 学会将筹办一系列的观星活动,增加同学的天文知识,一起体验观星的乐趣。

    The Club aims at providing students with the opportunity to learn more about astronomy through a series of star gazing activities .

  3. 文章着重介绍双星,ζAur双星系统及其研究意义和有关天文知识。

    The paper mainly introduces subjects such as binaries ,ζ Aur-type system and others , and their significance in astronomy and astrophysics .

  4. 该文在介绍天文知识的基础上,探讨了计算机星空仿真的技术。

    This paper introduces the techniques of simulating Night sky on the computer .

  5. 以天文知识为主线展开全园文脉,赋予公园文化内涵。

    The cultural veins and connotation in the whole park were showed and endowed by the main line of Chinese astronomic knowledge .

  6. 这座未来感十足的建筑主要包含三大主题展区:“家园”、“宇宙”、“征程”,展示天文知识、宇宙理论以及人类探索太空的历史和现状。

    The futuristic building will feature three main exhibitions - Home , Universe and Odyssey - displaying astronomical knowledge , theories about the universe , and the history and current status of human exploration of space .

  7. 通过蒙古族和满族的天体神话的比较,展示出两个民族先民对天体日月星辰的形成的理解和解释、有关天文知识以及祭礼仪式的内涵等。

    Through comparing with celestial body myth between the Mongols and the Manchu to show two national ancestors , understanding and the stars , and interrelated astronomical knowledge and ritual ceremony , etc. The fire-fiend is regarded as goddess by the two nations .

  8. 本文介绍了在靶场使用的电影经纬仪一种自检方法及与此法有关的天文基本知识。

    The paper presents a self-checking method used in the cine-theodolite in the range and the related basic astronomical knowledge .

  9. Meeus有一种天赋,能将通常很复杂的天文书学知识以一种使我们这样欠缺他这种天赋的人能够很轻松理解的方式表达出来。

    Meeus has a genius for expressing the often complex aspects of mathematical astronomy in ways that those of us less gifted than himself are able to easily understand .

  10. 他还以天文历算学知识订经考史,解决了很多经史之书中悬而未决的问题。

    He also made the textual research on the history books and solved many pendent historical problems .

  11. 夏令营的第四天,“明日之星”的孩子们参观了北京天文馆,学习了天文方面的知识。

    Mixing Beijing culture with tennis , the children enjoyed a special off-campus excursion to the Beijing Planetarium to study the stars each are swinging for .

  12. 把原始象形文字记录的那些关于用自然界客观事物变化&诸如星宿运动变化去观察、预测未来的神秘占卜破译出来,对研究、发掘纳西族传统文化,尤其是古代天文、历法知识,很有意义。

    A study of such records of natural phenomena like the star movement and changes and the mysterious future-telling divination will be of great help to the study and development of Naxi traditional culture .

  13. 海量天体光谱的自动分类以及从海量天体光谱中发现新类型天体或新的天文规律(知识发现)已经受到天文工作者的普遍关注。

    Classification and discovery of new types of celestial bodies from voluminous celestial spectra are two important issues in ( astronomy ), and these two issues are treated separately in the literature to our knowledge .

  14. 十九岁加入天主教耶稣会,他追随博学的格拉维斯神父学习数学,天文,地理科学知识,成绩卓着。

    He joined the Society of Jesus at the age of19.He studied mathematics , astronomy , geography and other sciences , achieving brilliant scores .

  15. 这个金字塔群的布局需要大量科学、地理、天文等方面的知识,至少也要达到现代的科技水平。

    This positioning of the pyramids would have required massive knowledge in science , geometry , and astronomy , to say the least - knowledge comparable to today 's capacities .

  16. 到高丽时期,半岛天文学家在继续吸收中国天文知识的基础上开始了独立的研究。

    In Koryo period , Korean astronomers began to pursue independent research of their own on the basis of continuous absorbing of Chinese astronomy .

  17. 本文着重探讨天文历法与政治间的互动,特别关注星占在政治运作、军事斗争等方面是中是如何发挥作用的,也探讨政治权力对天文历法知识确立过程的影响。

    The subject of the present study is focus on the interaction between politics and Astrological divination , especially on how Astrological divination make role in process of political struggle and military fight , also on how politic power influence establishment of astrology and calendar knowledge .