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  • 网络Day Signs
  1. 2015年5月1日,7名中学生在东江游泳。

    On May 1st , 2015 , seven middle school students went swimming in the Dongjiang River .

  2. ReeseMonhundro应该是这样读的吧俄克拉荷马州的StillWater晚上10:037月31日一名男子因酒醉驾车被捕他对警察说红灯变得太快快到他都来不及停下来

    Reese Monhundro , I think , in Still Water , Oklahoma , 10:03 pm , A man arrested for DUI on July 31st , told a cop the stop sign turned red too fast for him to stop .

  3. 8月8日一名犯人被错误释放,警方随即得到通知并在3小时内将其抓回。

    A Ministry of Justice spokesman added : A prisoner from Lincoln was released in error on 8 August . The police were notified immediately and he was arrested within hours .

  4. 虽然教师被禁止对学生实行体罚措施,但去年12月23日一名17岁学生自杀一事表明,日本学校仍存在体罚现象。

    Teachers are forbidden to use corporal punishment against pupils , but the suicide of a 17-year-old student on December 23 has demonstrated that it remains an integral part of school life here .

  5. 2月28日,数百名市民在北京奥林匹克森林公园参加“光猪跑”。

    Hundreds of runners took part in the " Naked Run " at the Olympic Forest Park in Beijing , on Feb 28 , 2016 .

  6. 结果驻军某医院急诊科3月18日接诊1名发热患者,并留观治疗3d。

    Results In March 18 , a fever case was examined in emergency department of this hospita then cured for 3 days .

  7. 在2015年财年,平均每个工作日有92314名乘客在宾州车站搭上新泽西公共交通(NewJerseyTransit)列车,而在2010年财年这个数字为79891人。

    An average of 92314 riders boarded New Jersey Transit trains at Penn Station each weekday in fiscal year 2015 , up from 79891 riders in fiscal year 2010 .

  8. 6月5日,一名有影响力的初创企业领袖引发了一场辩论,辩论的话题是Facebook公司首次公开募股(IPO)搞砸是否会让企业家筹款愈发困难。

    An influential start-up guru sparked a debate Tuesday on whether Facebook Inc. 's botched initial public offering will ultimately make it harder for entrepreneurs to raise money .

  9. 3月30日:两名华尔街分析师警告客户说,今夏不会有新iPhone问世;苹果股票将遭受重创。

    • March 30 : Two Wall Street analysts warn clients that summer may come and go without a new iPhone ; Apple shares takes a hit .

  10. 8月7日,一名驾驶保时捷(Porsche)运动型多用途车的男子在杭州市东城撞死了一位16岁的打工妹。

    On Aug.7 , a man driving a Porsche SUV struck and killed a16-year-old female migrant worker in the eastern city of Hangzhou .

  11. 9月21日,一名黑人TroyDavis因枪杀一名下班的白人警察而被判决罪名成立,在美国乔治亚州被处死。

    On September21st Troy Davis , a black man convicted of shooting an off-duty white policeman , was executed in the American state of Georgia .

  12. 第二例死亡发生于3月3日。一名20岁妇女在患快速进行性急性肺炎之后死亡,而这是众多H5N1感染病例的特征。

    The second death occurred on3 March in a20-year-old woman who died following rapidly progressive acute pneumonia , which is a characteristic feature in many cases of H5N1 infection .

  13. 3月24日,三名电工误入了一个危险的水坑。

    Three electricians accidentally stepped into a dangerous puddle on March24th .

  14. 1929年2月14日,两名穿着警察制服的男人在此出现

    February 14 , 1929.Two men in police uniform arrive .

  15. 7月5日,其四名雇员被拘留。

    On July 5 its four employees were detained .

  16. 类似事件很快就在上海、南京等地发生,到五月二十四日已有一百五十名学生被捕。

    The raids soon spread throughout Shanghai and Nanking until on May24,150 students were under arrest .

  17. 声音2:5月1日,那名婴儿出生的时候到了。

    Voice 2 : One May day , it is time for that baby to be born .

  18. 1984年5月21日,两名囚犯用它挟持了一名狱警。

    On May 21 , 1984 , two inmates used it to take a correction officer hostage .

  19. 日,一名女青年在平壤的金日成大学习堂的教室内学习。

    A young woman studies at the classroom of Kim-il Sung 's Study House in Pyongyang , Aug.16,2010 .

  20. 5月18日,几名新西兰奥克兰市民在一间冰酒吧中闲谈。

    Several New Zealand Austria townspeople were living in the ice bar to engage in chitchat May18 days .

  21. 在4月16日,一名学生赵承熙,枪杀了32人并且打伤17人,然后自杀。

    On April sixteenth Seung-Hui Cho , a student , killed thirty-two people and wounded seventeen before killing himself .

  22. 12月18日,20名儿童和6名成人在美国康涅狄格州纽敦镇一所小学遭枪击身亡。

    Last Friday 20 children and six adults were shot dead at an elementary school in Newtown , Connecticut .

  23. 一名中国记者为获取钱财和名誉而发表了某公司的失实报道,日前这名记者为此事道歉。

    A Chinese reporter has apologized for releasing unverified and untrue stories about a company for money and fame .

  24. 2001年1月11日,一名美军士兵在冲绳因猥亵女学生而被警方逮捕。

    On January 11 , 2001 , an American soldier was arrested for molesting a local schoolgirl in Okinawa .

  25. 8月25日,两名年轻的美国记者在电视直播时遭到前雇员的枪杀。

    Two young American journalists were shot and killed by a disgruntled ex-employee on live TV on August 25 .

  26. 2004年,库克就曾创下57.75秒内输完规定短信的世界纪录,但之后,此纪录很快在当年的6月27日被一名23岁的新加坡女子以43.24秒的成绩超越。

    Cook in2004 snagged the world record by texting the official phrase in57.75 seconds , a record that soon fell .

  27. 去年12月14日,26名孟加拉人醒来后像往常一样,前往位于达卡的服装厂上班。

    On December 14 last year , 26 Bangladeshis woke up and left as usual for their Dhaka garment factory .

  28. 2001年9月11日,19名男子劫持了四架飞机,并利用这四架飞机杀害了近3000名民众。

    On September 11 , 2001 , 19 men hijacked four airplanes and used them to murder nearly 3000 people .

  29. 12月16日,一名美国妇女在进入洛杉矶国际机场时不小心将自己出生仅一个月的孙子放入了X光安检设备里。

    LOS ANGELES-A woman mistakenly put her1-month-old grandson through an X-ray machine at Los Angeles International Airport , authorities said .

  30. 但是,在2015年7月1日,两名同性成年人的婚姻被写进了法律。

    Yet as of July 1 , 2015 , marriage between two adults of the same sex is the law .