
tiān cì liáng jī
  • a Heaven-sent chance
天赐良机 [tiān cì liáng jī]
  • [Heaven-sent chance] 天给的好机会

  • 可能使因天赐良机而可以写得充实出色的巨大的题材变得索然无味

天赐良机[tiān cì liáng jī]
  1. 这将是他证明自己的天赐良机。

    It will be a heaven-sent opportunity to prove himself .

  2. 玛莎小姐此时灵机一动,及时地抓住了这个天赐良机

    Struck with sudden inspiration , Miss Martha seized the occasion so opportunely offered .

  3. 对于奥巴马来说,共和党态度软化的迹象乃天赐良机。

    For Barack Obama , these signs of Republican softening are a godsend .

  4. 莫娜:对于一位新的艺术家而言,这次的酬劳可谓天赐良机。

    Mona : This commission is quite a godsend for a new artist .

  5. 这个再创作的过程给书面版本的诞生提供了天赐良机,书面传承也就应运而生。

    It is just the recreation process that provides the naissance of written literature .

  6. 天赐良机,一个店员正好得空按响了警铃。

    It gave an assistant just the chance she needed to push the alarm signal .

  7. 胸怀高远者总能找到用武之地,基础扎实者必能发现天赐良机。

    Here a lofty mind finds fit place , and well-grounded confidence finds its opportunities .

  8. 与众不同是天赐良机。

    Being different is a godsend .

  9. 它们说这是天赐良机,我们正在物色优秀的人才'。

    They 're saying ' This is great , we 're picking up great talent ' .

  10. 这些经历对他们个人来说虽然意味着苦涩的失望,但对科学来说,却是天赐良机。

    Yet their experiences , while a bitter personal disappointment , have been a gift to science .

  11. 中国启动的东北振兴战略,不仅对东北现象的解决是一次重大转机,而且也被朝鲜、韩国视为搭乘中国经济发展快车的天赐良机。

    China starts the strategy to revitalize the Northeast , to solve the problem of " Northeastern phenomenon " .

  12. 他表示:对于中小企业尤其是那些更具创业精神的中小企业来说,奥运会将是一次天赐良机。

    The Olympics are going to be great for SMEs , especially the more entrepreneurial ones , he said .

  13. 北京奥运对这些人来说真是如天赐良机,他们可以借此机会破坏圣火传递。

    The Beijing Olympics is a godsend for these groups because it affords them the opportunity to disrupt the torch relay .

  14. 一条鱼磁带实在是一个天赐良机,为一个配线工程,如果你已经完成了围墙,你的家。

    A fish tape is really a godsend for a wiring project , if you already have finished walls in your home .

  15. 其实,街亭之战本来是诸葛亮消灭司马懿的一个天赐良机。

    In fact , the war of Jie Ting fort was a good chance for Zhuge Liang to wipe out Sima yi .

  16. 业内专家的看法不一。有人说阿里巴巴为小企业提供了天赐良机。也有人持怀疑态度,因为企业主们还没有搞清楚阿里巴巴确切的经营模式。

    Expert responses ranged from it being a golden opportunity to skepticism because of confusion by business owners about what exactly Alibaba does .

  17. 对于那些主张增加英国各银行董事会女性董事人数的人而言,最近的乱局简直是天赐良机。

    For those championing an increase in the number of women on British bank boards , this latest debacle is manna from heaven .

  18. 接下来的5月27日是天赐良机,木星合相海王星,这会大大激发出你的天赋。

    The following day , May27 , you will have a divine aspect , Jupiter conjunct Neptune , allowing your seriously amazing talent to come out .

  19. 对贸易保护主义者而言,这是一个天赐良机。他们可以提出,将美国制造业一股脑儿外包到太平洋对岸的后果,就是大量可能致命的产品流回美国。

    They can argue that the result of the wholesale outsourcing of American manufacturing across the Pacific is a flood of potentially lethal products flowing back .

  20. 如果把这一点抓住了,我们将来得到的益处大,基础就更扎实了。胸怀高远者总能找到用武之地,基础扎实者必能发现天赐良机。

    If we accomplish this , we shall gain more benefits and lay a more solid foundation than ever in our work . Here a lofty mind finds fit place , and well-grounded confidence finds its opportunities .

  21. 论文认为,全球金融传染病的不断蔓延是解决这一难题的天赐良机,现在正是布雷顿体系后建立新体制的最佳时机,一个“金融WHO”的出现,将有效降低金融泡沫的规模。

    It argues for the establishment of a new regime since the Bretton Woods system and believes that such a " Financial WHO " would be able to scale down the size of the bubbles in the financial market .