
  1. 并全面阐述了通过漠矿建设的初步边务实践,其边务思想的进一步深化与完善,为其日后治理边务打下了坚实的理论基础。

    And a comprehensive exposition of the building through the desert mining practice for the initial edge , the edge thinking for the further deepening and improvement of its independent governance edge for the future laid a solid theoretical foundation .

  2. 中朝两国山水相连,国土毗邻。两国边民由于受利益的驱使常常越入对方的境内进行采参、伐木、打猎,以及进行贸易活动,并且由此产生了一系列边务问题。

    Joined together by mountains and rivers , the two countries , china and North Korea is neighbor . The border of the people always crossed the border to collect ginseng , log , hunt and trade , thus some problems were produced .