
  • 网络Border zone;frontier area
  1. 在完达山东部乌苏里江流域的中俄边境地带存在东北虎迁移生态通道;

    There is an ecology corridor for Amur tiger migration in Sino-Russia frontier area near Ussuri river of eastern Wanda Mountain area .

  2. 云南沿边境地带生态环境3S监测、评价与调控研究

    Theory , Method and Technology of 3S Based Ecosystem Monitoring , Evaluation and Adjustment Along Yunnan Border Area

  3. 东北边境地带蚊虫区系和生态研究

    Faunal and Ecological Studies of Mosquitoes Along the Borders Line of Northeast China

  4. 山的那一边是边境地带。

    Beyond the mountains was the border territory .

  5. 云南省沿边境地带生态环境监测与管理信息系统的设计和建设

    Design and building of ecosystem monitoring & management system for border area of Yunnan province

  6. 去年,一支中国特种兵分队曾与巴基斯坦特种兵在北部边境地带展开过联合军事演习。

    Last year a contingent of Chinese commandoes joined Pakistani commandos on exercises in the northern region .

  7. 芬兰的北方针叶林分布在俄罗斯边境地带,是观赏这些熊的绝佳之处。

    The taiga forest is in Finland on the Russian border and is a marvelous spot for viewing these bears .

  8. 不过,在边境地带由无人驾驶飞机进行的轰炸,在巴基斯坦非常不受欢迎,而如何处理和巴基斯坦之间的关系,对帕内塔来说,是另外一个挑战。

    Those drone attacks are very unpopular in Pakistan and managing the relationship with Islamabad is another major test for the new defense secretary .

  9. 韩国军方重新启用了边境地带沉寂了六年的扩音器,并重新开始向朝鲜进行调频广播。

    South Korea 's military is using loudspeakers along the border , silenced for six years , and re-instituting FM broadcasting to the North .

  10. 这些以色列士兵在两场事件中丧生,其中一个发生在加沙地带,而另一起事件发生在加沙边境地带。

    The Israeli soldiers were killed in two separate incidents , one inside the Gaza Strip and the other from a motor on the Gaza border .

  11. 苏丹南北双方在边境地带发生激烈冲突,联合国称其四名维和人员在此次冲突中受伤。

    The UN says four of its peacekeepers in Sudan have been wounded in a tense border region between the north and the south of the country .

  12. 可以说,像他那样具多重象征意义的电影演员没有几个:他代表粗犷的男子气概、边境地带,甚至美国本身。

    It could be argued that no other film actor has ever come to symbolise so many things : rugged masculinity , the frontier , even America itself .

  13. 随后,笔者以云南边境地带生态环境数据为例,提出了生态环境数据分类编码与元数据方案。

    Afterwards , the author proposed the concrete scheme of data classification & coding and metadata , taking the ecological environmental data of Yunnan boundary region as an example .

  14. 朝鲜认为韩国的传单为恶意宣传。韩国军方重新启用了边境地带沉寂了六年的扩音器,并重新开始向朝鲜进行调频广播。

    The North views Southern pamphleteering as South Korea 's military is using loudspeakers along the border , silenced for six years , and re-instituting FM broadcasting to the North .

  15. 与越战相比最重要的区别在于,美国人民受到了来自阿富汗的恶意攻击,并且仍然面临在阿富汗边境地带进行谋划的同一伙极端分子的切实威胁。

    And most importantly , unlike Vietnam , the American people were viciously attacked from Afghanistan , and remain a target for those same extremists who are plotting along its border .

  16. 星期六的打击激进分子的行动发生在巴基斯坦西北部的开伯尔地区边境地带。这是吉拉尼总理为首的巴基斯坦新政府发动的第一次重大军事行动。

    Saturday 's anti-militant operation in the northwestern border region of Khyber marks the first major military action the new Pakistani government headed by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has launched .

  17. 为了生存,他们被迫跨过图们江和鸭绿江,到地广人稀且统治阶级鞭长莫及的中国边境地带垦殖拓荒,寻找生路。

    In order to survive , they are forced to cross the Tumen River and the Yalu River , they want to look for a way for living in which can avoid the ruling class and beyond the reach of the Chinese border areas .

  18. 贺州地处桂、湘、粤边境的三角地带,夹于湘粤之间。

    Hezhou is located in border triangle of Guangxi , Hunan and Guangdong , sandwiched between Hunan and Guangdong .

  19. 从宽带光缆到崭新的公路,东德的公共基础设施往往更好。昔日沿着两德边境的死亡地带如今是一个自然保护区,栖息着大量珍稀野生动植物。

    Public infrastructure , from broadband cable to pristine highways , is often better in the east and the former death strip along the inner German border is now a nature reserve brimming with rare wildlife .

  20. 在利比亚南部边境狭长的沙漠地带巡逻的安全部队周日发现车队正前往尼日尔北部的阿加德兹。

    Security forces patrolling the long stretch of desert south of the Libyan border on Sunday spotted the convoy on its way to the northern town of Agadez .

  21. 总理表示,有关部门目前正试图在两个狭长地带追踪飞机,一个是泰国北部至哈萨克斯坦和土库曼斯坦边境之间的狭长地带,另一个是从印尼至南印度洋之间的狭长地带。

    The prime minister says the authorities are now trying to trace the airplane across two possible " corridors , " a northern corridor from the border of Kazakstan and Turkmenistan through to northern Thailand , and southern corridor from Indonesia to southern Indian Ocean .

  22. 目前马来西亚有关部门正试图在两个狭长地带追踪飞机,一个是泰国北部至哈萨克斯坦和土库曼斯坦边境之间的狭长地带,另一个是从印尼至南印度洋之间的狭长地带。

    The Malaysian authorities are now trying to trace the missing jet in one of two possible corridors -- a northern one from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to northern Thailand , and a southern one stretching from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean .