
  • 网络murray;Murry;Conrad Murray;Liz Murray;Andy Murray
  1. 默里在一个直播的电台节目里当嘉宾。

    Murray was a guest on a live radio show .

  2. 默里在回家前和艾莉森达成了大致的约定。

    Murray and Alison came to some sort of loose arrangement before he went home

  3. 很自然,它会返回。但没有默里的便条,我急忙补充道。

    Naturally , it 'll go back . But without Murray 's little note , I hasten to add

  4. 默里并排停放了他的车。

    Murray double-parked his car

  5. R·F·默里的诗及略传

    R. F. Murray : His Poems with a Memoir

  6. 默里是华盛顿智囊机构美国企业研究院(AmericanEnterpriseInstitute)的W.H.布雷迪学者,而这个机构从来不掩饰自己保守的风格。

    Murray is the W.H. Brady Scholar at the unabashedly conservative Washington think tank American Enterprise Institute .

  7. 在这段时间里,默里在火山周围设置了一个高精度GPS网络,以监测它的变化。

    In that time , he has placed a network of high-precision GPS stations around the mountain to monitor its behaviour .

  8. 当《财富》杂志总编辑艾伦o默里问到盖茨基金会是如何同世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)等政府机构合作时,梅琳达谈到了政府和民间合作的必要性。

    When asked by Fortune managing editor Alan Murray how the Gates Foundation works with governmental organizations like the World Health Organization , Gates spoke about the need for public-private partnerships .

  9. 两年前,我们调查了剑桥大学默里•爱德华兹学院(MurrayEdwardsCollege,Cambridge)的校友。

    Two years ago we surveyed all our alumnae from Murray Edwards College , Cambridge .

  10. 澳大利亚的默里达令盆地(murray-darling)也存在缺水问题,原因是大量水资源被转作了农业用途。

    In Australia , there is a water shortage in the Murray-Darling Basin because so much has been diverted for use in agriculture .

  11. 2011年早些的时候,痴心的卡勒姆仍然不愿放弃,还在Facebook上找寻默里小姐的踪迹,不过默里马上就在社交网站上屏蔽了他。

    In early 2011 , Culum was still refusing to give up , and tracked Miss Murray down on Facebook , only for her promptly to block him from contacting her on the site .

  12. 第一太平戴维斯驻都柏林的住宅业务主管默里(GrahamMurray)举例称,都柏林的住宅存量在减少,而需求却在增长。

    In Dublin , for example , inventory is tightening and demand is rising , said Graham Murray , head of residential for Savills in Dublin .

  13. (除非公司有意做出这样的决定),就有必要对这些期望值加以了解,”优兴咨询美洲总裁梅丽莎?默里?贝利(MelissaMurrayBailey)如是说。

    ge ( unless that is a deliberate decision ) it is necessary to understand what expectations are , " says Melissa Murray Bailey , Universum 's president of Americas .

  14. 克里斯托弗·J·L·默里(ChristopherJ.L.Murray)是华盛顿大学健康指标和评估研究所(InstituteforHealthMetricsandEvaluation)的所长。他认为,即使在取消独生子女政策之后,中国在公共卫生方面已经获得的改善也很有可能会保持下去。

    Even after ending the one-child policy , China is very likely to hold onto its gains in public health , said Dr. Christopher J.L. Murray , director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington .

  15. 但对美国,克拉克并不同意以下观点:由于社会两级分化现象加剧,社会流动性最近大幅下降——这是政治学家查尔斯•默里(CharlesMurray)去年出版的颇具影响力的著作《分化》(ComingApart)中的看法。

    But in America , Clark rejects the idea that mobility has recently declined sharply as social polarisation has grown - an idea posited , for example , in Coming Apart , an influential book published last year by the political scientist Charles Murray .

  16. 朝圣委员会秘书长穆尔塔克.皮亚拉(MushtaqPyara)神父表示,关注朝圣者准备前往旁遮普省参与第六十二届默里亚巴德全国圣母朝圣地的朝圣之旅。

    Father Mushtaq Pyara , secretary of the pilgrimage committee , expressed concern as devotees prepare for the62nd pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine in Mariamabad , Punjab province .

  17. 算了,告诉你吧,默里什么的就别谈了。

    All right , you know what ? Enough about Murray .

  18. 默里的工作是替别人家打扫卫生。

    Miz Murray had a job cleaning other people 's homes .

  19. 下士默里,给我一些好消息。

    Petty officer murray , give me some good news .

  20. 默里博士表示,美国女性健康方面面临的风险在持续增加。

    Dr. Murray says women are increasingly taking risks with their health .

  21. 她向默里夫人道了晚安便关紧房门。

    She bade Mrs Murray goodnight and shut her door .

  22. 默里:那辆双门车真美,是吧?

    M : That coupe 's a beauty , isn 't it ?

  23. 必须有人接替默里当主编。

    Somebody 's got to succeed Murray as editor .

  24. 默里从台阶上下到游泳池里。

    Murray descended the steps into the swimming pool .

  25. 默里先生订阅《时代》杂志。

    Mr Murray subscribes to " The Times " .

  26. 默里由于辱骂裁判员被罚下。

    Murray was sent off for abusing the referee .

  27. 哦也,当着你的面,默里!

    Oh yeah , in your face , Murray !

  28. 例如,默里教授就拥有应用科学的博士学位。

    Prof Murray , for instance , has a PhD in Applied Sciences .

  29. 理发师把默里的头发剪短。

    The barber clipped Murray 's hair short .

  30. 默里博士的团队通过实验室实验,向人们演示了这是怎么发生的。

    Dr Murray 's team has conducted lab experiments to illustrate how this works .