
wèi zhi xiàn
  • position line;line of position
位置线[wèi zhi xiàn]
  1. 文章给出了将观测单一天体方位、高度而得到的距离和方位位置线方程线性化,用迭代计算法求解观测船位的定位计算原理。

    This paper offers the calculation principal of ship positioning by observing the bearing and altitude of a single celestial body for the equation line of position with distance and bearing and by overlap calculation for the observed position .

  2. 位置线及其定位导航软件系统

    Position line and its application in software system of position and navigation

  3. 文中对使用1511M型织机中经位置线的确定进行了探讨,介绍了采用抬高筘座位置来调节上.下层经纱张力的实验及效果。

    This paper gives a discussion on the selection of the warp yarn location on 1511M loom and a brief introduction to the experiments and effects of adjusting the tension of upper and lower warp yarn by rising the reed base .

  4. 潜艇利用纯方位定位跟踪系统对目标进行定位跟踪时,目标位置线在优化潜艇的接敌跟踪航路中具有重要的作用。

    Source Line is very important to optimize bearing only tracking of submarine .

  5. 大小圆位置线的数学模型及其应用

    Mathematical model on the great or small circle 's position line and its application

  6. 运用弯道流态理论设计整治工程位置线的方法

    Method of Designing the General Layout of River Training Works by Applying Theory of Flow Pattern in River Bends

  7. 本文从织机设计和工艺角度探讨了梭口和经位置线的特性。

    In this paper the author discusses from the angle of loom design the characteristics of warp shed and warp line .

  8. 指示比赛的终点位置的线。

    A line indicating the location of the finish of a race .

  9. 标明比赛开始位置的线。

    A line indicating the location of the start of a race .

  10. 本文还介绍了定量描述任一时刻,任一位置过程线的方法。

    The method of quantitively describing hydrograph of any time and any site is also introduced in this paper .

  11. 分析了电磁阀在不同的线圈窗口尺寸及位置、线径及匝数下电磁力的大小及其对电磁阀响应特性的影响。

    In addition , the response character of solenoid valve was analyzed for different structure and lead diameter of solenoid valve .

  12. 板球场上标识投球手和击球手位置的线或这些线中任意两条间的区域。

    One of the lines in cricket marking off the positions of the bowler and batter or the space between two of these lines .

  13. 详细介绍了用公路路线上控制点坐标进行公路直线和曲线平面位置定线的数学模型。

    This paper introduces the mathematical model for highway route alignment . This model can determine plan position of highway straight and curve by the control points .

  14. 同时,引入了位置特征线的概念来控制场景中对象可见性的变化,使得特征线的作用更合理,变换更真实。

    At the same time , we introduce the concept of " position diagnostic line " to control the visibility of objects in the scene , that make the effect of diagnostic line more realistic .

  15. 通过理论证明,球齿轮是马鞍面与凸面之间的接触:除极轴重合位置为线接触外,其余位置都为点接触。

    Theoretical derivation validates that tooth contact form of the meshing spherical gears is a point contact between a convexity and a saddle surface except the position in which the polar axes of two spherical gears are collinear to each other .

  16. 在相同位置把隔离线对和信号电缆的电子防护设备埋入地下。

    Earth the electronic shield of all shielded pairs and signal cables at one location .

  17. 汽缸垫片位置度与线轮廓度测量研究

    Study on Measure for Steam Cylinder Shim Block of Positional Tolerance and Wire Profile Tolerance

  18. 合适的软组织平衡是获得良好的假体位置和力线的前提。

    Appropriate soft tissue balance is the basis to obtain good prosthesis location and line of force .

  19. 红线显示了登月舱的实际位置,蓝线显示了雷达度量的位置。

    The red line shows the Lander 's true position , the blue line the position measured by radar .

  20. 带自动匹配长度的标签的尺寸线。文本位置和延长线是可调整的。

    Dimension line with label that automatically changes to match length . Text position and extension lines are adjustable .

  21. 用订书机在眼睛边上位置打孔穿线,用胶带粘好绳结。

    Staple the string to the mask at either side of the eyes , then tape over the string and staples .

  22. 这与俄国国土所处的纬度、位置、海岸线的性质以及海陆关系这些具体的地理因素有直接的关系。

    This has direct relationship with these geography elements such as its latitude , position , coastline characteristics and its land and seas .

  23. 讨论一个带有辅助反射器的全息扫描器图像传送系统,该系统消除了由扫描线弯曲及不同位置上扫描线长度不同而引起的图像失真,提高了图像的传送质量。

    An image transmission system with an auxiliary reflector is discussed and the design parameters are analyzed as well to improve the image quality remarkably .

  24. 其弦向最佳位置在分离线前约4倍涡流发生器高度之间;

    The experimental results also show that the optimum chordwise position was found to be about 4 times micro-vortex generator 's height upstream of baseline separation ;

  25. 考虑线棒换位,研究了不同轴截面上断股位置改变时线棒内涡流损耗的变化情况。

    Considering the transposition of stator bar , the eddy losses in bar with broken strands at different positons in different cross-sections along the axial direction are studied .

  26. 有许多羽毛,尾巴的位置与背线齐平,温和地卷在背后,所以尾巴上的毛发靠在背后。

    Tail is well plumed , set on level with the topline and curved gracefully over the back so that the hair of the tail rests on the back .

  27. 基于数字伺服技术介绍了自行高炮数字位置差动瞄准线独立控制系统结构原理,给出了传递函数分析及试验研究结果。

    Based on the digital servo technique , the paper presents the construction and principle of the digital position differential line of sight stabilization system of self-propelled antiaircraft gun , the transfer function analysis and the test results .

  28. 选用26、28、30周引产胎儿30例,解剖观测了胸腺的形态、位置、径线、重量、体积及胸廓内动脉和锁骨下动脉管径。

    The shape , position , diameter , weight and volume of fetal thymus were observed and measured on 30 induced labor fetus of 26 , 28 and 30 weeks of age . The diameters of internal thoracic artery and subclavicular artery were measured as well .

  29. 介绍了二维直线的表达方法,空间直线的表达方法,线框图标记,基于点与平面相对位置关系的线框图解释理论和方法等。

    It is introduced the representations of straight lines in two-dimensional plane and three-dimensional space , line drawing labeling , the theory and methods of computer interpretation of line drawings based on the relative position relationships of the vertices and the planes on a planar object .

  30. 皮肤疤痕位置低,呈线样,几乎不留疤痕;

    The linear scar of skin was nearly invisible because of its lower location on the abdominal wall .