
  • 网络Positioning Move;translate;positional change;locomotion
  1. 仅将IP地址从一个位置移动到另一个位置总是最快速的方法。

    Just moving the IP address from one place to another is always going to be the faster option .

  2. 计算得到的移动将被限制在从zoom滑块的中心位置移动的最大距离。

    The computed movement is then restricted to the maximum distance from the center of the zoom slider .

  3. 结果表明,CVDSiC涂层和1500℃真空热处理都会降低C/SiC复合材料的阻尼峰值,且使阻尼峰位置移动。

    It revealed that CVD SiC coating and 1500 ℃ heat treatment decrease the value of damping peaks , and the position of damping peaks was changed .

  4. 各台P波到时残差下降;有近10%的地震震中位置移动了10km以上,它们多位于北京地震遥测台网边缘地区。

    For nearly 10 per cent of the relocated hypocenters , which are mostly in border region of the area covered by the Beijing Telemetered Seismic Network , have been shifted more than 10km .

  5. 目的为了获得胸腔残胃肿瘤精确照射的适宜合理计划靶体积(PTV),进行了放疗中胸腔残胃位置移动的观察,目的是为确定三维适形放疗PTV的适宜范围。

    Objective To study the measurement of the movement of residue thoracic stomach after surgical resection for esophageal cancer and define the optimal planning target volume ( PTV ) .

  6. 由于DRFM延时的离散性,引起了MTS输出信号相位的改变,破坏了信号的相参性,使MTS输出信号频谱发生变化,不仅使谱线位置移动,而且还产生了附加的寄生谱线。

    The MTS output signal frequency spectrum will be changed due to the discrete nature of the DRFM time-delay which causes the signal phase change : it will not only make the spectrum lines shifted but also produce some additional spurious spectrum lines .

  7. 记住您的JDNI查询字符串需要将您从在名称空间中开始的位置移动到您的对象所储存的位置。

    Remember that your JNDI lookup string needs to take you from the location where you start in the namespace to the location where your object is stored .

  8. PSO-CF算法初始时在积分区域内随机选取一定的分割点,粒子的速度采用收缩因子进行更新,粒子将朝着更好的位置移动。

    PSO-CF algorithm selected some initial partition points randomly in the domain , and used the constriction factor to update the velocity , then the particles would move towards better position .

  9. 移走,离开从住所或原先的位置移动或离开。

    To move or go from a dwelling or former position .

  10. 同一规则也适用于将一个文件从一个位置移动到另外一个位置的情况。

    The same applies when moving a file from one place to another .

  11. 渣浆泵叶片边界层分离点位置移动的试验分析

    Experimental analysis on separation point moving of boundary layer in centrifugal slurry pumps

  12. 人文社会因素决定农牧交错带位置移动的距离和速度。

    Humanity social factors decide the migratory distance and speed of Farming-Pastoral Ecotone .

  13. 该配置从一个位置移动到了另一个位置,并且进行重新组装。

    The configuration had been moved from one location to another and reassembled .

  14. 若要向标记层次结构中的更深位置移动,请单击右箭头按钮。

    To move deeper in the tag hierarchy , click the right arrow button .

  15. 研究了多碱光电阴极光谱响应峰值位置移动技术。

    The peak value position shifting technology for spectral response of multialkali photocathodes is studied .

  16. 让惯性权值随着位置移动的长短和适应度的大小来改变。

    Make the inertial weights with the position of the length and fitness value to change .

  17. 搬迁包括物理意义上的将财产从一个位置移动到另一个位置过程中相关的所有活动。

    Moving encompasses all activities involved in physically moving your possessions from one location to another .

  18. 一种扩散机制,这时候原子的净迁移过程是从晶格结点位置移动到邻近的空位中。

    The diffusion mechanism wherein net atomic migration is from lattice site to an adjacent vacancy .

  19. 如果提供者位置移动了呢?

    What if the provider moves ?

  20. 移植策略是将对象从创建位置移动到长期存储位置的方式。

    Migration policy is the travel path an objects takes from its creation to a long-term storage .

  21. 和有线网络中的固定节点不同,移动节点在和网络保持持续连接的同时可能会从一个位置移动到另一个位置。

    Being different from the fixed nodes in wired network , mobile nodes may move around during communication .

  22. 分析认为外部压力梯度的变化可能是导致涡破裂位置移动的原因。

    Through analyzing the adverse pressure gradient plays an important role on the phase delay of the breakdown position .

  23. 飘窗位置移动至外墙结构外皮,在保证挑出深度的前提下,减小窗台的进深,避免开关窗户时爬上爬下,带来意外的危险。

    Design to avoid the need to climb up and down to open window , in order to reduce the possibility of accidents .

  24. 采用分水法研究了烷基芳基磺酸盐乳化性能,异构体间随着芳环向长烷基链中间位置移动乳化性能增强。

    The results showed that with the aromatic ring moving to the center of the long alkyl chain , the emulsification properties increased .

  25. 在微动对零细分法的基础上设计了读数细分装置,利用转动平板玻璃微动使象点位置移动来达到测量目的。

    Micromotion subdivision equipment is designed to measure image point position by turning plate glass in the base of micromotion subdivision to zero method .

  26. 主要探讨了甲骨文中表示位置移动的动词的句型结构及分布情况,进而与先秦典籍进行对比,指出了它们之间的传承关系。

    This paper research on moving verbs ? sentence structures in Oracle-bone scripture and compare them with those structures in books before Qin Dynasty .

  27. 稳定期开牙合逐渐关闭,髁状突逐渐向正常位置移动。

    B - closed Spaces During the consolidation period , the open bite gradually closed , and the condylar process gradually moved to normal position .

  28. 近年的发展日益证明,固体中的局域电子态所导致的晶格弛豫(晶格原子位置移动)是局域电子态的一项基本特征,能够引起许多重要的效应。

    Recent solid state investigations increasingly emphasize that lattice relaxation represents a basic feature of localized electronic states and is responsible for many important effects .

  29. 在这些因素中,咀嚼肌由于与咀嚼功能密切相关且力量强大而成为影响颌骨位置移动后复发的主要因素。

    Due to the powerful strength and the close correlation with mastication , masticatory muscles become the main factors of the relapse after jaw 's movement .

  30. 其中无线局域网由于不需增加额外的布线,并且支持节点的位置移动,因而近年来受到更多的青睐。

    Especially because the deployment of WLAN does not demand additional cable layout , and the movement of the node is supported , so the WLAN is favored .